The Next Day

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Rainbow stared at the sight that beheld her. She just couldn’t accept the sight she was seeing in the mirror. She couldn’t accept the canines, the blood, the thirst. Or the fact she could see herself in the mirror. If I really am a vampony like Fluttershy claimed that I was,Rainbow thought, I would be invisible in the mirror. Rainbow had researched vamponies for most of her life, and while all the books differed greatly, they generally claimed that reflections were nonexistent, she’d hate garlic, and she would burn in sunlight.

Well, except Sunset, but buck Sunset. Vamponies shouldn’t sparkle and be all "vegetarian" and all that.

Rainbow pondered this for a moment and came to the conclusion that she couldn’t be a vampony. It was just another prank being pulled on her by her insensitive "friends".

"No, this isn't a prank." Fluttershy said suddenly, as if reading Rainbow’s mind. "That whole ‘no reflections’ thing is an old mare’s tale. What kind of hunters would we be if we had an obvious clue to our existence?"

Rainbow looked at Fluttershy with confusion, which grew slowly into horror. "You don’t mean that you... we..."

"Celestia no!" Fluttershy interrupts. "We don’t sparkle and we aren't all weak. We’re the way vamponies are supposed to be, hunting ponies and drinking their blood. None of this ‘I’m so lonely and bad, but you see the good in me’ junk. Just pure hunting."

In a sickening way, that helped Rainbow to feel better about her position. She’d rather be a real vampony then one of those sparklers.

"So do we burn in the sun and hate garlic?" Rainbow asked. "Cause I’m hoping the latter is false. I love me some garlic- coated daisies."

Fluttershy smiled at that, and said "I’m glad you’re adjusting to the idea of being a vampony. No, our fur usually protects us from the sun. And unfortunately for you, we don’t eat food. We just drink blood."

Rainbow frowned at the thought of no garlic daisies. For all of eternity. She thought what a life of blood drinking would be like. She pictured a tall glass of blood on a table next to her, but realized the foolishness of that. She was going to have to kill her victims and drink from them then and there. The thought of hunting down innocent ponies caused her to feel sick inside.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?” Fluttershy said. “I’ll start a bath for you right now. Just relax a minute, alright?”

“Sure, I’ll just sit right here.” Rainbow said.

Rainbow gave Fluttershy a forced smile to Fluttershy as they looked at each other. Once she turned around, Rainbow sat down and thought about everything. About how ironic this whole situation was. She hoped she would just wake up from this in a minute and it would all be a cruel dream created by Luna. But she realized that Luna knew Rainbow and her fears, and wasn’t that mean.

The water slowed to a stop and Fluttershy turned around. “Well, here you go.” She said. “I’m pretty sure you can bathe yourself.”

Rainbow smiled and thanked Fluttershy, who promptly left the room. Rainbow climbed in slowly, expecting to be grossed out. The blood covering her body would mix into the water, leaving her bathing in a literal bloodbath.

What Rainbow did not expect was that she would enjoy it.

Rainbow couldn't quite describe it. It was better than any bath she had ever experienced. The feeling of the blood, even diluted as it was, made the water feel… better.

Rainbow climbed out of the water feeling much better. She dried herself off and once again looked in the mirror. She looked almost the same as before she was bit, with the exception of the teeth. It wasn't blatantly obvious, but they were definitely longer, and maybe a bit sharper. She hoped it was slight enough her friends wouldn't notice. Her eyes may have been made a shade or two darker, but they weren't like the ones from her dreams. She turned away and walked towards Fluttershy’s room. Rainbow found her brushing her hair with the help of several birds. Rainbow smiled at the sight of it. Rainbow had always found Fluttershy’s strange connection to animals to be a bit silly, especially the tea parties with them. Rainbow tolerated her strangeness, however. They had known each other for many years and had an almost sisterly bond. The only reason Rainbow moved here to Ponyville was to be near Fluttershy.

One of the birds chirped at Fluttershy, causing her to turn around. “Ah! You’re all done I see.” She said. “Here’s your knife.” Fluttershy slid the knife in its under-wing sheath towards Rainbow. “What’s with that knife? Its sheath is fairly obvious against your fur. How did Bon-Bon not see it? And why did a little knife burn her ear?"

“I’ll show you.” Rainbow said. She put the sheath on snugly under her wing, and to Fluttershy’s amazement, the sheath seemed to vanish. “The sheath’s enchanted for defensive measures.” Rainbow said with a laugh at Fluttershy’s face. “The blade was also believed by a few to be a demon slayer, so that may explain the burns.”

“That’s a good weapon to have; I’d take care of it if I were you.” Fluttershy said. “Well, for today, that’s all you really need to know. I’ll get you a blood bag to bring home. You must be feeling the thirst by now.”

“Wait, blood bags?” Rainbow asked. “How do you have those?”

“I got them from the hospital.” Fluttershy responded. “I request a small amount of them for ‘emergency procedures’ on the animals, but the nurses don’t seem to realize that animals can’t use pony blood. I keep them for rainy days, and situations such as this.”

Fluttershy walked over and opened her fridge, which Rainbow noticed was nearly full of bags. Fluttershy pulled one down and handed it to Rainbow. “Here you go. Drink it when you get home.”

They walked to the door and Fluttershy let Rainbow go first. However, when she stepped into the sun, rainbow instantly felt like she was dying. She fell down and felt as if her whole body was burning and was certain she was dying again.

“Oh yeah.” Fluttershy said awkwardly. “The reason we don’t burn is because our fur is thick. Yours must have not fully grown out yet.”

Rainbow angrily stared at Fluttershy. She realized that, although it was painful to be in, she wasn't actually dying from the sunlight. She got up and picked up the bag in her teeth and gave Fluttershy a salutary nod.

“I’ll come get you in the morning.” Fluttershy said. “Be ready to go.”

Rainbow nodded again, and then took off. She flew home with no stops and didn't even look down. Upon arriving home, she looked at the bag and immediately burst into tears. She couldn't show her emotions to anyone, not even Fluttershy. She was reminded again of the demonic being she had become. How ironic life was. She had spent years researching and preparing against the very being she had become. She threw the bag at the wall and walked to her room to mourn her cruel fate.

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