Papers, please

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The monotonous stamping of papers began to drive Rainbow mad. The flow of papers never seemed to reach and end, so there was always work to be done. She sighed, and looked around at her new office. The full office was painted to each leader's request, all the way from the floor to the ceiling. Rainbow had no idea what to paint hers. The paint of the last leader's request still stayed- a nature filled room of peace. The floor was painted in a spiraled green, giving it a look of natural, untrimmed grass. The walls were painted with spikes of grass going up, to add to the wildness. Animals frolicked and ate from the grass, and birds flew in the air. The ceiling was pure sky blue.

But one spot Rainbow refused to look at. Against the wall to Rainbow's left was blood. Blood Rainbow had shed herself. The blood splattered over the wall and floor, and there was also a stain left on her desk. The blood was Fluttershy's, and Rainbow still remembered the day perfectly, though it had happened over a year before.

But now you will feel my pain. Fluttershy's words still haunted Rainbow. The guilt of killing your friends will last forever, and you will eternally be an outcast.

Rainbow shook her head and focused back on her work. She looked at the constant influx of criminal reports, successful hunts, anything that had to do with the clan. Her line of work wasn't the prettiest, but she had no other choice. She was the leader now, and leadership here lasts until death. And here, death may never come. She only deals death, never receives.

But such was the life of a vampony.

Rainbow continued through her boring work, pushing papers into piles and organizing hunts for the lower of rank. Her job had turned from a life of daytime relaxing and nighttime hunting into papers. Thousands and thousands of papers. Rainbow could never leave, however, because she had been proclaimed dead. If she was spotted, she had a risk of putting the entire clan in danger. So all there was in life was paper, and the occasional visitor who brought her sustenance.


Like now.

"Come on in." Rainbow said unenthusiastically.

The door opened and Bon-Bon, Rainbow's (kind of) secretary, entered. She held a silver platter with two wine glasses filled with deep crimson blood. Bon-Bon set the platter on the desk and handed Rainbow a glass.

"Thanks." Rainbow said, taking the glass from Bon-Bon.

"Not enjoying the job?" Bon-Bon said. "Wasn't as fun as you planned, I'm guessing?"

"No, not at all." Rainbow admitted.

"Maybe you should have thought of that beforehand." Bon-Bon teased.

"I had my reasons." Rainbow countered angrily. "And I still think it was the right choice."

Rainbow had claimed that she had killed Fluttershy in an attempt to take power for herself, but that was untrue. Her reasons were a bit selfish, but in the end she got the revenge she wanted. But that was another story, for another day. She wanted to seem strong and powerful, and wanted to be accepted as a leader.

"Sure, tell yourself that." Bon-Bon said. "Anyway, rumors are spreading throughout Ponyville that you are still alive. Should we take out the gossipers?"

"As long as no one sees me, I should be fine." Rainbow said. "They don't really have any proof of me, do they?"

"I guess not." Bon-Bon said. "But keep your head low. Now would not be a good time to be brave."

Bon-Bon left the room, leaving Rainbow alone with nothing but the glass and her thoughts. Rainbow sipped from the glass as she worked, spreading the feeling of joy throughout her slowly. Vamponies never really understood why they loved blood the way they did, but it was quite nice. The real question was how Bon-Bon got it to her still warm in a wine glass. Rainbow stored it her head to ask later. But first, she had more work to do. As always.

Rainbow continued to stamp papers for several hours before she was given her required break (required by herself, of course). She left her dreary office to enter the less dreary cavern. It was a large dome- possibly larger than Ponyville itself. It was a refuge for all vamponies, and held dozens, maybe even hundreds, of ponies. It was more organized than the Royal Guard in Canterlot, and she was in charge of everything. She walked around the simple market they had built. It was exactly like the one in Ponyville, if you pretended the hearts and arteries were vegetables. She laughed painfully at how commonplace this had become- Rainbow hadn't seen a vegetable in weeks. Rainbow absorbed the atmosphere of it all- the life in death that lived, the music that wasn't obnoxiously happy. Rainbow missed her old life- its simplicity, its happiness, not working over twenty hours a day. But Rainbow knew her life choices were correct.

Rainbow continued to wander aimlessly for another hour before her break was over. She returned to her office to see, you guessed it, more papers. Rainbow wished for more excitement in her life. She sighed and continued her boring life of stamping.

Rainbow's prayers were abruptly answered when suddenly a deathly noise like robots doing unmentionable acts while firing laser beams filled her office. At the same time, a bright blue explosion occurred right on her table, knocking her over and slamming her into the wall. Rainbow was covered by a layer of papers she had just stacked. She stood up, ears bleeding from the noise. She looked at the table to see a light yellow envelope with her name written on it in a harsh masculine hoofwriting. Rainbow flipped over the envelope to see a sticker of two connected notes, which Rainbow was pretty sure were backwards. She opened the letter to read it.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Vinyl Scratch. DJ, producer, lover, drinker... occasional savior of the universe. I'm writing this letter because of a trend were noticed among you. Two bearers of Elements of Harmony were slain at your hooves, and one was completely innocent. (Yes we know about Fluttershy's previous choices.) I'm not a mare of many words, so I'll get this over with.

You are an outlaw. You have a choice here- you can kill yourself now, or I'll do it myself soon.

Best regards, Vinyl Scratch

Rainbow reread the letter over and over, shocked about the horrors she had read. She was no longer a hunter. She was the outlaw the vamponies hunted. But one thing surprised her most of all.

Her life was finally getting interesting again.

TheSpectrumOfBlood(AMLPVamponyFanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant