Questions And Answers

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Twilight sat alone in the quiet evening, rearranging the library books he way they were supposed to go. It was the quiet moments like this that she missed Spike, but knew he would be back sooner than she would believe. Spike's only gone for a month longer, and then he'll be back here, ready to help! Twilight assured herself. She had hoped Rarity wouldn't let Spike go with her on her fashion exhibition in Canterlot, but to both her and Spike's surprise, she had agreed. This left Twilight and Owlowiscious to do all the manual labor Spike usually did.

However, Twilight kept thinking about Rainbow rather than her chores. Rainbow had seemed very off when she had asked for the book. And not just because she had asked for a book either- it was the aura she gave off. Rainbow seemed lifeless and dark, as if she were cursed. Twilight couldn't figure it out; even her years of research couldn't place a definite reason for Rainbow's actions. She flipped through countless books, looking for a disease that could have corrupted her so. All the diseases she found were irrational or imaginary, like Mad Cow Disease or Lycanthropy.

Twilight sighed. Maybe one of the others would know what happened; I'll ask them in the morning. She finished her work and went to bed and got some well-deserved rest.

Rainbow, however, was not getting her deserved rest.

At that moment, Rainbow was pacing around her bedroom, thinking upon her actions. In the heat of desire, she had justified murder.She was becoming a vampony, and she didn't like it. She was torn in a war existing only within her mind- good and evil locked in constant conflict. And the latter was winning at the moment.

Rainbow couldn't bear it- she needed to clear her head. She set off for Ponyville, flying towards no particular location. She just needed to get away. Rainbow flew laps around the town, still trying to force her mind into its previous state. Think of the Wonderbolts,Rainbow thought, think of how you can still join them and live the dream. That moment, it hit Rainbow: she couldn't be a Wonderbolt. Even if she went rogue from the clan, and left scot free, she couldn't join them. She couldn't eat with them, she couldn't live with them, she couldn't do anything with them. She could hurt them, or expose herself. Her life had been ruined, and she had an eternity to feel the loss.

Rainbow's rage grew, and as it did she went faster. She stayed in a form where she couldn't do a Rainboom, as she didn't want to wake all of Ponyville. She grew more and more infuriated, and her speed paralleled it. Suddenly, her speed and the way she felt changed. She seemed to be in a dark tunnel, like the light couldn't keep up with her. She lapped Ponyville in three seconds, a full five seconds faster than her old record. She slowed to a stop, and the light caught up to her. She felt great- she had gone faster than she had ever gone before, and by quite a bit. Bon-Bon did this at the train station when she attacked me, Rainbow remembered. I should ask her how to do it under normal circumstances. Rainbow flew towards her home, however the effort she exerted doing that trick caused her to collapse upon sitting on her couch.


Twilight awoke the next morning to the sun in her face. She was tired, but she knew she had things to do today, and wanted to get them done early. She started off by looking at the checklist she had prepared earlier that week to see her plans. It was mostly studying, but she had already read the material, so she had almost no plans today. She decided to enjoy herself and have some fun.

Then Twilight remembered that she had made plans- she had to ask her friends about Rainbow. Applejack and Rarity were out of the question- they were both in Canterlot, improving their respective businesses. That leaves just Fluttershy and Pinkie. Twilight thought. I'll start with Fluttershy; she's been friends with Rainbow forever. She walked towards Fluttershy's cottage, but was surprised to see that Fluttershy had already left.

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