The Clan

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Rainbow flew closely behind Fluttershy, feeling both nervous and horrified. She was visiting a group of vamponies, implying there was a considerable amount of them. She wondered- who else did she know who was a vampony? Was any of her other friends one? She hoped to at least know someone else- it was awkward enough for her to go to a normal party, much less one full of murderous bloodsuckers.

"So..." Fluttershy started, hoping to break the silence. "Sleep well? Enjoy the blood? I never really liked it from bags as much."

Is this really how our conversations will go? Rainbow wondered. "Er... Yeah!" Rainbow responded, feigning enthusiasm. "It was great! Both, I mean."

"Good!" Fluttershy answered, "I had a lot of trouble adjusting to the life when I was a kid. I'm glad you rebounded quickly."

Kid? How long has she been a vampony? Rainbow thought. "How did you become a vampony? How old were you?"

Fluttershy darkly stared in the distance. Must be a touchy subject. Rainbow deducted. Fluttershy kept the dark look until they arrived at town hall, when she said "Well, we're here. Ready to meet your kind?"

Rainbow nodded, and Fluttershy gave her a smile. Fluttershy walked around one of the sets of stairs and pushed a loose beam out of the way, then stepped in. A staircase was underneath, hidden by the darkness. They descended into the tunnel and walked down. The staircase seemed to go forever, and as they submerged Rainbow's fear ascended. She was meeting murderers, for Celestia's sake. The staircase ended with a large, surprisingly well lit cavern. The cave had quite a few ponies in it, but not nearly as much as she had expected. She surmised that there was around 40, maybe 50. She was shocked to see that all of this seemed to be normal; no coffins, dungeons, or moats in sight. She saw ponies of all shapes and sizes. She recognized Lyra in the corner, working on some type of electronic device with five claws on it, but the claws didn't seem very sharp. She saw a pale green pony standing off to the side, playing a song about the rainbow factory in Cloudsdale. She also saw a mare with one ear charging towards her.

Wait, what?

Rainbow felt the impact of two tough hooves hitting her in the throat, followed by her flying away. She slammed painfully into the side of the cavern and felt her ribs break on impact. She held back tears, and watched as Bon-Bon walked over and stared Rainbow down. Rainbow saw the pure malice in Bon-Bon eyes.

"You!" Bon-Bon roared at Rainbow. "You did this! You bi..."

Bon-Bon never finished her sentence, however. Rainbow wasn't too keen on being bullied her first day, so she kicked Bon-Bon square in the chest, causing her to fly up in the air. Rainbow flew up to intercept her, and slammed Bon-Bon back to the ground. The impact caused the stone floor to crack, along with several of Bon-Bon's bones.

If Rainbow had hoped to enter quietly, she had hoped in vain. Everyone was staring now, Lyra was no longer focused on her robot claw, the green pony had stopped singing, and Fluttershy was facehoofing.

"I think you broke the record for fastest fight." Fluttershy said, sounding very disgruntled. "By about two weeks."

Bon-Bon struggled to get back to her hooves, but managed to stand. Rainbow could see her left hind leg was broken in at least two places, and her neck appeared to be broken. Somehow, Bon-Bon started to walk towards Rainbow, but fell down halfway there. Bon-Bon writhed in pain on the ground, and Rainbow walked over to help her.

"No!" Bon-Bon said in anguish. "I don't want your help."

Fluttershy walked over and looked at Rainbow. "She's been demoted." Fluttershy said simply. "Her failed attack against you pushed her back to level one."

"Levels?" Rainbow asked. "Is there a vampony game, or something? Do you keep score?"

Fluttershy laughed at Rainbow's comment. "No, it's not a game. Well, not technically. You rank up in the community to have more rights. Being the leader, I have the most rights."

Fluttershy? Shes in charge? "Why are you in charge?" Rainbow asked confusedly.

"I've been a vampony the longest." Fluttershy said. "Being oldest has it's benefits."

Rainbow thought about that. Rainbow appeared to be much more calm and collected than many of the others. Many still had blood on their mouths from previous encounters, and many had the eyes of a predator. Fluttershy didn't seem to have that. She seemed content and graceful, and lacked the eyes of a hunter. Rainbow once again contemplated the length of time Fluttershy has been a vampony.

"Well." Fluttershy finally said. "I'd rather we all stay friends here. Tell you what- initiates are required a partner. And it happens we have two new vamponies right here."

Oh no. Please don't say it. PLEASE don't say it.

"Bon-Bon, meet your new partner." Fluttershy said smugly, staring Bon-Bon in the eyes. "You and Rainbow start working tomorrow."

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