The Return

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everal months pass uneventfully. Rainbow and Bon-Bon continue their work with hunting the evil of Ponyville. They eventually are separated and sent off as lone agents. Rainbow's first mission is tonight.

The sky was a dreary gray from the light rain that had begun but a few minutes before. Ponyville was as quiet as ever- no one around save a few ponies dashing through the rain. Rainbow watched the rain pouring down, her enhanced sight giving her a greater range of sight to see. The raindrops dropped slowly and glistened like crystals as they fell, and the sight of all of them at once was glorious. But she had to focus on the mission.

Rainbow's target for today was a bright green unicorn stallion known only as "Player". He had been charged with nine accounts of murder. He had a particular talent of hiding in plain sight- he was even once reported to have attended a meeting with the police about his capture. He was spotted everywhere; ponies claimed to see him at his house at the same time others saw him bowling. But today, one story was right- he was inside Sugar Cube Corner, having a conversation with a strange mare with a dark trench coat covering most of her body. She seemed anxious, but still fully engrossed in his conversation. Rainbow started to listen to their conversation.

"You really shouldn't be out in the open like this," the mare said, "what if the police surround the building? There's only two ways out of here."

"Don't worry your pretty little head." Player said reassuringly. "I have my ways of getting out of places."

"But..." The mare protested.

"I notice things others might never notice." Player said matter-of-factly. "I know the stallion at the table next to us is waiting to pop the question, but he doesn't how to do it."

"What?" The mare at the table next to Player said, bewildered. "Is that true?" Her coltfriend nodded sheepishly. "Oh my Celestia yes!" she jumped excitedly across the table and kissed the colt enthusiastically.

"I also noticed that the Cakes are smuggling magically enhanced sugar into the store." Player said. "Don't eat any sweets for a while."

"I'll try," The mare said with a tone implying she still would. "is there anything else?"

"Oh yes." Player said. "These tables haven't been cleaned, and that blue mare over there is listening to our conversation."

Shit. Rainbow's cover had been blown. She casually looked away, hoping to bring the attention on her away. She was never the best at listening in on conversations, and she was dealing with a professional. She looked around at the things Player had noticed. The couple were still making out on the table, and it was a little but sickening. The Cakes were duping their sugar in different bags, but she could see the strange coloring to the sugar. Her table was quite dirty.

"Just ignore her." The hooded mare said dismissively. "You can always disappear if she tries something."

Rainbow sighed in relief. She watched Player lean in to whisper something in the mare's ear. The mare giggled and blushed, then looked away from Player.

"Oh you," The mare said playfully. "I'm flattered, but I'm guessing there's a reason you're called 'Player'. So no."

Oh geez. Rainbow got up and went outside to wait. She flew around the building in loops so she would see Player leaving. She thought back on these past months with fond remembrance. It was simple and yet complex. She no longer needed to sleep, so her constant routine of weather control in the day and hunting at night wasn't difficult. She enjoyed her life, and all the blood that came with it. She realized she hadn't been home most of that time, and she'd have to clean up after her mission.

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