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Rainbow struggled to find sleep that night, as the thirst became nearly unbearable for her. She tossed and turned, but even though she tried to ignore it, she couldn't stop the pain. Eventually, her exhaustion overpowered the pain, and she slept.

Rainbow saw that the dream was once again repeating itself. As usual, it started with the eyes staring at her from the darkness. but there was something different about it this time. Her dread was even stronger than it normally was, and the eyes were... different, in a way, but she couldn't place it. She knew what would happen, and that there was no escape. She knew she would be killed by the shadowy figure, then promptly wake up out of breath. She closed her eyes and braced for the pain.

To Rainbow's surprise, nothing happened. The pain usually came quick, but it seemed to be waiting for something. She opened her eyes and stared into the ones in front of her. The eyes continued to stare her down, ready to kill. Rainbow tried harder to focus on the figure, pondering what the form was waiting for. As she stared, the figure became more distinct. She noticed it had wings and wild, unkept hair. The figure appeared to be a light blue, like Rainbow was. That's when Rainbow realized: it WAS her. She was looking herself in the eyes. The impostor grinned, and pounced onto Rainbow's neck, ripping it out upon impact.

Rainbow awoke with a jolt. The dream scared her more than any of the other dreams she had before. She grabbed onto her head and massaged it, hoping to clear her mind and calm herself down. She had hoped to get some sleep that night, but of course she couldn't. Not after a day like yesterday. She looked at the clock on the wall, which told her it was 3 A.M. She got up and walked downstairs so she could get some flying in today without being in pain the entire time.

Rainbow collapsed at the bottom of the stairs. now that the adrenaline of the the scare was gone, she realized she was running on empty. She knew she couldn't eat any real food at this point, so she had no choice. She'd have to drink the blood. She crawled over to the bag Fluttershy had give her yesterday. She turned the bag upside down and opened the bottom with her teeth. She had always hated the metallic flavor of blood, so she dreaded having to drink an entire bag. She plugged her nose, hoping to avoid the taste, and chugged. The blood felt wrong going down her throat, and she nearly gagged. But she knew she had to drink to survive. She threw the empty bag on the floor in disgust, and walked away. Fortunately for her, she instantly felt better, and regained all her strength.

Rainbow stepped outside and took off, hoping to get a good flight in before Fluttershy came to get her. She decided to make a flight to the train station where she was attacked. She flew slowly, as she wasn't in any hurry. She landed at the spot of her death and stared at it. There was nothing there. No stains, no marks. No evidence she had been attacked. But what happened to it? Rainbow thought. Oh well. I guess it's better this way for the Police. Rainbow flew home and sat waiting for Fluttershy to come knocking. While she waited, Rainbow pulled out her silver knife from her side. She stared at the blade and thought about the day she got it.

Rainbow had been 8 when she saw this blade the first time. Her father had brought it home and showed it to her, explaining it was supposed to repel demons. Her father hid it away so Rainbow wouldn't be able to find it. But she still knew where he kept it- right underneath his side of the bed. The way she truly came into possession of the knife was about 3 years later. She was fast asleep when she was awoken by her mother screaming in the room over. She then heard her father say "Dear Celestia... They do exist" followed by his scream. Rainbow sat petrified in her bed, and after a few minutes, she saw them.

The eyes.

They were more red than any eyes Rainbow had seen before. They seem to stare at her with a sense of hatred, but then slowly turned, to Rainbow's surprise, to pity. They then disappeared into the night. Rainbow rushed into her parents room and lit a candle for light. The sight there scarred her for the rest of her life. Her parents lay there, both with two large puncture wounds in their throats. The wounds did not bleed, and her parents were cold and deflated, She realized what had happened- her parents had been killed by a vampony. She found her father holding the knife and she took it, along with the sheath which she found under the bed. She swore on her life to avenge her parent's death and kill the vampony responsible.

The police arrived shortly after, and seeing what had happened, sent Rainbow to the orphanage. Rainbow tried to insist to everyone that vamponies existed, and she needed to find them. This, of course, started the bullying from others. Everyone hated her, except one other pony in orphanage- Fluttershy. She had been the outcast until Rainbow had arrived, and decided to befriend Rainbow. They have been friends ever since.

Rainbow jumped when she heard a soft knock on the door. "Rainbow?" Fluttershy's voice said through the door. "You awake?"

Rainbow put away the knife and opened the door. A smiling Fluttershy awaited her on the other side. "Ready to go?"  Fluttershy asked. "We're off to see the other vamponies in Ponyville."

"Sure." Rainbow said. "But can I ask you a random question? If I had a... problem with one of the others, would i be allowed to... attack them?"

Fluttershy gave Rainbow a quizzical look, but said "Um... Sure, I guess. There's no rule against it. But if you do, you both have the right to kill. You may not make it, so lets try to keep on everyone's good side, alright?

"Sure." Rainbow responded. She hoped, for their sake, the pony with those eyes wasn't there. Because if they were, she would certainly be making some enemies.

TheSpectrumOfBlood(AMLPVamponyFanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang