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My senses returned the moment we reached the meadow separating the forest from the castle. The sun was beginning to set; its long, orange rays made me close my eyes again the moment I opened them.

"Stay with me, Samara. We are nearly there." Junior said, urging his horse into a canter.

We rode past the Guards and Knights accompanying us and soon reached Radu's horse and the wolf pack at the head of our group.

"How is he?" I asked as my eyes found Vlad on the same horse as Radu, propped up against him. His eyes were closed, but he did not seem to be bleeding any longer.

I looked at my own wound-- I could only see a tiny blood stain on the white bandage improvised by Junior. Vampire healing is incredibly fast...

"He's... resting." Radu's voice scattered my thoughts. "He will be fine, I'm certain, but it will take time."

Fresh tears welled in my eyes-- Radu did not sound more sure than Junior before.

"You mustn't worry, Samara." Junior said, letting his horse break into a gallop, leaving our group behind.

We reached the castle first. While he sent the valet we found in the courtyard to inform everyone about our return, I released my wolves, patting each one on the head as they approached me before disappearing towards the drawbridge, then sent the first maid reaching the courtyard back in for Katerina. I didn't know if my old nurse could help Vlad, but I wanted her near.

She appeared the moment the others arrived and while I explained as well as I could what had happened to Vlad and Father Boian, Katerina directed the maids, valets and Guards as efficiently as Junior.

In no time we were all inside, Vlad lying in his bed and Father Boian in the next chamber. I let two maids supervised by Clara take care of the priest but I let no one but myself and Katerina touch Vlad.

"He's sleeping. It is quite normal." Katerina assured me and I forced myself to believe her.

He did not regain consciousness while we peeled the blood-stained clothes off his body, washed him and inspected his already closed wound.

"Oh good." Katerina spoke again as she ran her fingers dipped in some ointment she brought from her room over the long cut running along Vlad's side and chest. "It doesn't look dangerous."

I did not agree. "Can we send for the healer? The one who took care of me when I was injured? You said she's Sorina's mother..." I tried to remember the woman's name but couldn't, my mind could only focus on Vlad right now.

"Maria." Katerina said. "As you wish, my lady. I don't think she will be able to help us much with Lord Vlad, she heals humans. She might help us treat your friend, the young priest, unless..."

It's already too late. My mind produced the words she had left unspoken.

"What if it is?" I breathed, squeezing Vlad's cool hand, as white as the sheet covering him, in both of mine.

"In that case," Katerina said, pulling me to my feet, adjusting Vlad's blankets then making me walk down the steps of the wooden dais, "you'll have to make a decision. Unless he wakes up and decides for himself, which I don't think will happen, his fate will be your choice..."

"What? No!" I protested, struggling against her arms leading me away from Vlad. Does she expect me to decide whether we should try to change Father Boian, or let him die? Do they all...?

"Let go of me, Katerina. Let me stay with him!" I called finally, tears threatening, when I could not free myself.

"Your husband does not need you now. He needs to rest. And you need to take a bath and eat something, then attend to your other patient, at least until the healer comes..."

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