The tales of the ghosts

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Requested by MCYTfanficaddict
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Anyways I'm gonna turn these questions more philza related as that makes sense.
When did you first see/find out who phil is?
I first saw phil in 2019 i think? When I was when I was watching Jeromeasf's Minecraft Monday and Phil was his teammate.

(Anyways this was more Karl related so I put another philza head Canon into it.)
-Karl's POV-

I wake up and I want to go back to sleep bit I know I can't today.. "Another day..! Another- idk."
I sigh knowing the spirits that join my every day adventure and I wonder who it will be today. Breathing the fresh air I wonder, are they real? I gave up on that question a while ago. To be honest I don't what is real anymore. Are they really spirits of my time adventures or am I just hallucinating..? Is this the real time line?

"Karl!" I hear someone shouting my name out, breaking me from my trance. I around to see sapnap running towards me. It is SAPNAP right?! You know what I'll go with it.

"Good morning sapnap!" "Ayye good.... morning-.." He says confused looking to my left. He then rubs his eyes and looks again. I look at what he is looking at. ...Charles..?

My eyes widen as I realize... "Wait you can see him?!" "SEE WHO?! YOU KNOW WHO THIS GHOST LOOKING GUYS IS?!?! Wait... why does he kinda look like me-?" "Uhhhhhh"

It's been a long day. AND I MEAN IT! Somehow everyone could see their "versions" of their ghosts. Of course they weren't the same people but now that I think of it they do look similar... I just freaked out and ran away from Sapnap." I just passed Fundy Technoblade and Ghostboo on my way here. And of course they saw them aswell.
It's getting cold.. well of course I'm in a snow biome.. I think I'm near Technos base. I think it's north from here. Imma head east...

Alright I'm lost.. I'm in some type of Forrest. It's pretty I guess. I could stay here and get some peace and rest? I don't think anyone will find me here!

-Philza's POV-

So I think I found someone. Heh, they really thought they could get to our bases that easily! I approach whoever it is to find a sleeping Karl. With his book tied to his neck.
Intrusion? I sigh. I don't think so... I pick him up bridal style. I carry him all the way home, which wasn't really that far. Hm. It's not bad to adopt another one, is it..?

I put him down on my bed going down stairs to make him something warm, maybe hot chocolate???

"Finally done!!" I say to myself with a big grin. Idk why I get happy over such small things. I climb up to him to wake him up. But instead see someone I knew long ago.... My past self. Flickering in and out or existence. Oh no! Not already!

I REALLY don't want to startle Karl. "..Karl?" I said gently shaking him awake. "...huh.. Philza?!" "Hey hey hey, calm down I'm not gonna hurt you. I found you near my house and you looked cold so I bring you here. Have some hot chocolate. You and I both have some explaining to do." I say quickly.

"Wait why is you version not visible??"

"Heheh that's because- well I am the older version of me-"

That's that! Took too long- I'm sorry!!!

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