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wow so it's been TWO Y E A R S since i last looked at this story

since then i haven't really stayed interested in sanders sides (i still love it i just haven't watched any of the new episodes) so if i were to hypothetically continue this story it wouldn't have any of the new plotlines/info/new characters that have been recently introduced. this would be purely fueled by what i remember watching two years ago GHJDSGHHFJSGJKFNB

anyways would you guys like me to continue writing this story? updates would be slow bc there's a lot going on in my life and im currently working on a Falsettos fic rn, but i wouldn't be opposed to trying to finish this one! 

lmk what y'all think :) oh! and any plot ideas/ship requests will be taken into consideration if i do continue ths story! thank you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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