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"Well...if they don't accept you because of your past then are they really good people to be around?"

After a moments hesitation Virgil shook his head again.

There was a minute of silence between the two before Virgil spoke up.


"Yeah V?"

"I-I wanna go home..."

The taller side's heart felt like it had stopped for a moment. Virgil wanted to go back to being a dark side? No way.

"Back to the dark palace?"

"Mhm...I-I totally underst-stand if you don't want me back, b-but if you'll let me come back I p-promise I won't bother you at all! I'll s-stay away from you and Remus! You won't even k-know I'm there!" Virgil said quickly.

Deceit laughed softly "Virgil of course you can stay at the Dark Palace. I've been wanting you to come back since the day you left. You can have your old room back if you want or you can take one of the other ones"

"R-really?" There was a half hopeful half sadness to Virgil's voice as he spoke. Almost as though he didn't really believe Deceit.

"Yes really"

He's finally coming home. He's finally coming back home.

For the first time in what felt like ages Deceit saw a smile cross Virgil's lips. It was faint and a bit sad, but it was a smile nonetheless.

They came to a wordless agreement that Virgil would move back to the Dark Palace that night and Deceit would help him pack.

Later that night when it was time to go Deceit had already gotten all of Virgil's things to the Dark Palace and was disguised as Virgil as he walked to his room to get him.

Virgil finally arrived back at the Dark Palace and was greeted by the slightly ominous ebony doors. He took a deep breath before entering the eerie place. It was just like he remembered, but there was something different. It didn't feel angry anymore it kinda felt...sad? Whatever the inhabitants of the Dark Palace felt the most at the time was what the mood of the environment would be, so that must mean there was a lot of sadness in Deceit and Remus at the moment. Deceit somehow knew Virgil sensed something was off and quickly cleared his throat.

"Nothing has really changed much other than the fact that Remy and Picani visit more, so it smells like coffee and used paper in almost every room now."

Virgil nodded soundlessly and looked around. "Has my room changed at all since I've been gone?"

"No it stayed the same-"


"Remy calm down-"


Virgil was then tackled in a hug by the hyperactive middle ground side.

A sigh came from across the room from Picani along with the scratching of a pencil on a notepad with the words "Don't. Let. Remy. Mix. Energy. Drinks. With. Starbucks. Ever. Again." muttered.

"What are you doing back? Obviously I'm not upset about it, but I didn't think you'd leave the light sides! Did something happen? Did one of them do something to you? Was Thomas being mean?"

"R-Remy I'm fine-"

"Nonsense! Y'know what? You're coming with me to go get Starbucks and then we can catch up with each other! Oh wait uh Deceit can I borrow Virgil for a few hours? I know you've missed him too and I'd hate to take him away before you've caught up with one another."

Deceit rolled his eyes playfully and shook his head "You can catch up with each other as long as you don't get anymore coffee. I think you've had enough for today"

"Ughhhhhh Fine I guess that's better than nothing. Thanks Dee! See ya later!" He replied happily and practically dragged Virgil out the door so they could go to Middle Grounds.

It took forever for an update but I'm backkkkkkk
This literally took me and my uncreative brain over six days to make. Shit has been happening lately so that's why I haven't updated in a while. I promise I'll get better at this soon. Love y'all 💕

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