Surprisingly a not awful day

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When Virgil and Remy got back Janus waved Remy off and started walking with Virgil. "So how was your visit with Rem? He's really excited to see you."

"I can tell. It was actually really nice. I missed him a lot." Virgil said with a small laugh, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. He was still wearing the purple and black hoodie he had gotten from being with the light sides. He never would've thought he'd want to come back and he was really glad he did. He had only been back for a short time but he never wanted to return back to the light sides.

A ghost of a smile appeared on the taller side's face when he heard the laugh and continued walking. "He can be a bit much at times but he's definitely one of the better people over on this side of the mindscape"

Virgil only nodded a bit before falling into silence. It was broken a few minutes later by a much softer tone coming from Janus "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can Jan"

"Did you....did you ever want to come back? I mean before the whole......incident"

Virgil thought for a moment before responding "There were a few times I did. I never would've done it though. I was too scared."

"Of what?"

"You guys....not letting me come home." He started slowly "I mean if I had tried to come back and then been refused I would have nowhere. The light sides wouldn't trust me if I tried to run. I suppose I could've stayed with Remy and Picani but I wasn't sure they would let me stay either"

"Of course we would've let you come back home Virge. Maybe within the first month of you leaving we wouldn't have because we were kinda pissed but we still most likely would've let you in." Janus spoke honestly. "We never wanted you gone in the first place"

Virgil nodded a bit and they continued their walk in silence. Truth be told neither of the two knew where they were walking. Being near each other was strangely comforting. The only time they spoke was when Virgil saw Remus from a distance and quietly asked if they could walk the other way so he wouldn't have to deal with him and Janus said yes in reply. Other than that they were soundless.

"Oh my god you two are ridiculously boring" A voice said unexpectedly. They both jumped almost perfectly in sync and whipped around to see who it was. "Don't freak it's just me" Remy laughed. "Are you two done being depressing or do y'all still need more time because I have tea to spill"

Janus glanced at Virgil to see if he had a preference but he couldn't tell. For once virgils body language was completely unreadable. "What happened this time?" Janus asked turning back to Remy. He broke into a smile and started blabbering on about some random gossip he'd overheard Roman talking about with Patton that all had to do with something Thomas said or...something like that. He threw his arms around Janus and Virgil's shoulder and continued walking in the same direction they had been headed moments prior to his interruption.

Virgil nodded and confirmed a few things while Janus listened. After a while he broke off from them and went to do his own thing, leaving Virgil alone with Remy once again.

Yet again an insanely short chapter and I'm so so so sorry about that but I'm trying to get back into writing so this was more of a practice chapter. Please give suggestions for things to add into the story and PLEASE recommend ships because I didn't think about ships at all before I made this 😂

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