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"Holy. Fucking. Shit"

"Language Roman. Patton might be nearby and if he catches you cussing he'll get upset." Logan said without glancing up from his book. Roman rolled his eyes.

"This is a good time for cussing"




"Do you...do you wanna know why?"




"LOGAN" Roman snatched the book from his hands and tossed it in the little white trash can placed in the corner of the kitchen earning himself a very VERY cold glare from his fellow side.

"What's so important that you have to interrupt-"

"Thomas isn't stressed about his upcoming callback" Roman sat himself down across the table from Logan dramatically clutching his chest as though he had just been stabbed.


The creative side gasped "AND!? And if he isn't nervous even just a LITTLE the callback is going to go HORRIBLY!"

"You're being dramatic"

"And you're being a heartless b- person...hi Patton"

"Hiya Kiddos! I heard some fighting is everything okay?"

"Just Roman being Roman" Logan said, standing up and walking to retrieve his book from the trash. Roman quickly took his seat and sighed loudly. "No nothing is okay Patton. Thomas isn't worried about his callback!!!" Patton shook his head and laughed a bit.

"Just talk to Virgil! I'm sure he'll be able to help!"

"That's ridiculous! .........wait that actually might work. Speaking of Virgil have you guys seen him lately?"

Patton's expression faded from joy to one of thought. Logan sat back down at the table and shook his head.

"He's probably just in his room. Just last week he hid out in there for almost three days before coming out. I'm sure he's fine."

"That's true....but what if he's not fine?" Patton said worriedly. "If he's hiding out then maybe something bad happened and someone should check on him?"

"Nah if hot topic wants to be dark and emo then just let him." Roman shrugged

"The callbacks"

"OH RIGHT THE CALLBACKS. Thanks for reminding me Logan! Yeah someone should definitely go check on him. I'll go do that now" Roman quickly left the room and traveled down the hallway to where the bedrooms were. His room was right next to Virgil's and Logan and Patton's were against the opposite wall. He couldn't hear any music blasting through the black door of Virgil's room which was a bit...odd. He sighed and knocked.

"Virgil I need to talk to you it's important."

No answer. He knocked again.

"Virgil quit being sad and talk"

Still no answer. He knocked again.

"Hot Topic cmon it's urgent"

There was still no answer. Roman huffed in frustration and tried opening the door. "Of course it's fucking locked" he muttered under his breath as he tried again. He eventually got the door open with the use of a few bobby-pins but to his surprise Virgil was nowhere to be seen. He took a quiet step inside taking a few quick glances around. "Virge? You in here...?"




"Oh shit. LOGAN WE HAVE A SITUATION" within moments Patton and Logan were in the room, with matching looks of concern.

"What happened?"

"I just figured out why Thomas hasn't been worried about anything at all lately"

Patton got a sick look on his face and Logan immediately figured out what Roman was implying.

"Oh no"



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