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"So how have things been with the others?" Remy asked while taking a sip of his venti mocha caramel double-whip with chocolate chips and three shots. "I'm assuming Logan and Patton still haven't confessed their undying love for eachother and Roman is still his fabulously gay self?"

"You'd be correct about Patton and Logan" Virgil let out a tiny laugh and stared down at his plain coffee with two shots. "Roman is his normal obnoxious, cocky, hard to handle, gay, arrogant self like always"

Remy smirked a bit but didn't say what had organically come to his mind. "Ah I see. Care to share why you're visiting? That sounded rude- I didn't mean it that way. I'm totes excited you're here! I just wanted to know if something had happened or if it was a special occasion because you never stop by anymore."

//did Remy just say totes? Yes he did. Do I feel bad? Not at all

"Oh um it's nothing important. I can tell you later" he rushed out quicker than intended. "How have things been here? You and Picani (piccani?) seem happy"

"Things have been pretty boring lately but they've been good. I heard Remus dropped by for a visit?"

Virgil groaned and buried his head in his arms "god don't remind me of that please"

"I take it didn't go well?"

"It was one of the worst things that could ever possibly happen to me ever in the history of the entire world"

"Oh c'mon he's not that bad-"

The younger boy's head shot up "yes he is. He's that fucking bad Rem. He used to be like a brother to me. I've seen his good side. His good side is nothing compared to his bad side. He was being decently well behaved when he stopped by and it still cost me all of my friends." He hadn't realized he was about to cry until he felt the familiar stinging of tears threatening to spill. He wished he could've died right there and then. That wasn't an option so instead he buried his head in his arms and held back hot tears fighting to come through.

Remy stayed silent still processing what had just been said. "Virgil I didn't know I'm s-"

"You're sorry? What do you have to be sorry for? You're probably the only one who shouldn't be sorry right now! Well you and Cani don't have to be sorry. You've done nothing" his voice was shaky and muffled. The shakiness coming from his anger and holding back a waterfall of tears and the muffled sound coming from his hoodie.

"If I may ask....what exactly happened?" The older side took another long sip from his coffee cup and looked down at the shaky boy with concern.

"H-he kept hinting....hinting at me b-being one of them. He scared T-Thomas and Patton and he knocked out R-Roman twice. Logan stopped him f-from going too far." He poked his head up. His eyes were already bloodshot from no sleep but holding back tears added to it. "The rest of t-them already knew. They already knew h-how fucked up I was. Thomas was the o-only one who didn't know. Logan kept giving me these looks and I-" he realized he was going into a small panic, vividly remembering every detail of the event. Remy noticed too and quickly grabbed his hand and applied pressure to the first pressure point he could remember. It wasn't super helpful but it was helpful enough.

"Hey look at me Virge. You don't have to talk about it. I'm sorry for bringing it up." The older side said sincerely and released his hand. "Let's talk about something else okay?" Virgil nodded a bit and sunk down in his seat slightly. "Hm how about...." Remy thought for a moment before his eyes lit up as an idea formed "Oh! What if we just play a small game to catch up. It's been so long since we really got to see each other so obviously things have changed. We can take turns asking each other questions and just go from there. How about that?" Virgil gave him a tiny smile and nodded. "Yeah sounds good Rem..."

"Okay I'll go first! Favorite color? Last time I checked it was either black or purple"

"Yeah that hasn't changed. Favorite animal?"

"Don't have one. Preferred hair color?"

"Honestly I really liked it when it was dark brown with the purple towards the front. It looked cool. I'll probably dye it again or something. Least favorite sport?"

"Oooo that has to be football. I don't see the point of it honestly. I don't see the point of really any sport other than dance a swimming. Clothing item you wear the most?"

"Definitely a hoodie" Virgil laughed a bit. They kept on with the questions for about another fifteen minutes before Remy got a phone call.

"Yeah Dee? What? Oh come on he's my friend too! But- Then just- but you have- ughhhhh fine. You owe me. Yeah you do. Mhm now go shove both your dicks up your own ass. No I'm not sorry. Mhm keep talking like that and- okay sorry. Whatever. Bye." Remy sighed and hung up before stuffing his phone back in his pocket. "Alright the snake wants you back for a while" he said with an eyeroll and stood up. Virgil stood up with him and followed him out of the little cafe set up in middle grounds back to the dark palace where Deceit was waiting.

933 words! I know it's not much but things have been really messed up recently. Thank you guys for your patience (even though no one really reads any of my stuff) and I hope you like this chapter! It kinda ended on a weird beat but it's three in the morning and I'm too tired to care rn. Anyways have a great day and drink some water please. You're amazing and perfect just how you are so don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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