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~Bey's POV~

Seeing the boy's faces had confirmed my suspicions. They were fighting each other this morning, and from the look of the bruises and black eyes I could tell it was over something very serious. I didn't want to ask but my big mouth just couldn't stay closed. "Boys what happened? I heard you yelling earlier. Are you guys ok?"

Both pairs grew as large as dinner plates. They didn't say anything and it made me worry. I looked them both in the eye. They didn't have usual shimmer in them. Laurent's eyes were full of anger and disappointment. Larry's were glossy as he fought back tears. I saw him look towards his brother then down at the floor. What the hell happened?

I decided to drop the subject. "Let's forget it. We gotta go and set up early and run through some songs again. Ok?" I flashed them a smile, but I didn't get one back. They nodded and walked around me. It hurt even more that Larry walked away. Usually he would ask for a hug if he was upset, now that he didn't ask almost made me want to cry. I wished he would turn around and hug me like old times. I craved for his warmth.


As soon as we started setting up for rehearsal, I got a call from my husband. I answered with a smile on my face. "Hey baby what's going on?"

"Just thought I'd call you. What's up?" You could hear the love coming through the phone.

"Same old stuff. Work, work, work." I tried not to sound tired, even though I was.

"Alright then. Im'a let you get back to work. Make sure you get some rest. You sound tired as hell. Love you babe."

"I promise I will. Love you too babe." I made kissing noises into the phone then hung up.

Something in my heart didn't feel right and I wasn't sure why. I wondered what it was. Bitch, did you really forget? My mind confused me once again.

"Forget what?" Mumbling to myself. I was lost in my thoughts, until I saw him again. Twists pulled back into a ponytail, wearing a black tank top, and black jeans. He was carrying something but I didn't care to find out what it was. I just couldn't stop staring at him. He was beautiful. Someone all the girls go crazy for. It made me jealous that others wanted something that was mine.

Whoa! He's yours now? Remember everything that happened on that plane ride?

And I did. It made me realize one thing. I was absolutely in love with two men. My husband and my dancer. And I felt terrible about it.


Hello peoples!!! Gave you something nice and short. Never think that I don't love feedback cause I love it. Let me know how you guys feel about this chapter, ok? Now don't forget to vote and comment. Love ya!!!!!

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