Curtain Call

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~Author's POV~

The final show crept up and no one was ready. It seemed as if nobody wanted it to end. Every tour was special, and to Larry this one meant the most. He wouldn't be able to see Bey as often as he did during this tour. On the other hand, Bey was glad this was ending, now she could take a much needed break before she had to go back into boss lady mode.

This tour had been stressful for both. Having an affair and being on tour was tiring business.

"Final show, everybody! Don't fuck up!!" Kim and Hannah shouted. The boys could hear them from down the hall.

Laurent shook his head. "You would think we'd be used to this shit by now. They just so loud sometimes."

"Lau. Really?" Larry called from his spot on the floor.

Laurent turned to face his brother, who was waiting until the last minute to get dressed (which would piss off Frank if he caught him). "What?"

"Lau, you're the loudest person on the stage. I'm pretty sure the people in the back row can hear you." Larry laughed. "You only have two settings. Loud and annoying or quiet and irritating."

Larry barely had enough time to dodge one of Lau's rings that was aimed for his head.

"Whatever, Larry. You're just jealous because everybody loves me and they just like you." Laurent stuck his tongue out before running out of their dressing room, nearly tripping over his untied shoelaces.

Larry shook his head at his idiot brother and decided it was time to get up and get dressed. He slid into his black jeans and was buttoning them in the back when Lilani slipped in through the curtain of the dressing room.

~Larry's POV~

"Lani?" I scrunched up my face in confusion at her surprise entrance. My heart began to beat fast, I knew that Bey would be coming in here any second.

"Wh-What you doing here?" I added.

"I told you I would make it to the last show, surprise!" She smiled, showing all her teeth. I attempted to match my smile with hers but I failed. She smacked into me and wrapped her arms around my neck, squeezing tight. I was struggling to breathe and not because of her tight grasp restricting me from inhaling any oxygen. But because of my anxiety increasing and influencing the rapid, impulsive thoughts crowding my-

The curtain parts and her face is the first thing that I see. It seemed like she was rushing to get in here. I'm guessing it was so that she wouldn't be seen. Her eyes widen at the sight of Lilani and at this point there was no struggling with my breathing. As of now I was paralyzed...with fear. I wanted to disintegrate into the floor and seep all the way down to place where I needed to be. Lilani; unaware and in another world hadn't noticed her presence. I squeezed her side a little to pull her back into reality. And to notify her of the additional person in the room. Although reality is where I don't want to be.

I felt her look up at me but I kept my eyes fixated on Bey. I wanted to watch her every move in this moment. One look into her eyes and it seemed like she was plotting on my demise. Her eyes were burrowing into mine as if she wanted to grasp onto my thoughts. To see what I was thinking and to get an answer as to why Lilani was here. My heart sank when I realized they were brimmimg with tears. I feel sick, I need Laurent.

As soon as Lani turned she blinked away the tears and plastered on her million dollar smile. I felt as if it was wrong to even look at Lilani. That if I did, Bey would just crumble right in front of me and lose it. She slightly shook like she was nervous. I could tell that it's just hard for her to keep her composure. It's hard for her to stay where she is and not choose to go into impulsive actions. I know she wanted to rip my head off and feed it to the birds. But she just smiled and hugged Lani like she was hugging her childhood friend after so many years. It pained me to watch-the woman I love on the brink of losing her sanity and the woman that I have looking stupid walking around here-hugging like everything is perfectly fine. This whole situation has my head wanting to explode and my self respect and dignity waning slowly. In this very moment I decided that I wanted out.

"I just came to say that show time is in 20 minutes and I want you to kill it for the last show." She smiled once more before turning and walking out. She was a ticking time bomb and if she would've stuck around any longer it would've gotten bad. I felt my heart weaken when she left, I felt nauseous. I'm disgusted in myself.

I couldn't look at her, she was happy and prancing around in her glory. And as bad as I didn't want to mess it up I needed to. I can't go any longer hurting these two women. And for what? Because I can't man up and admit to what I have done and stop dragging this precious girl along?


"These strawberries are the best I ever tasted." She smiled biting into another and laughing.

"Lani listen to me please?"

"What's up?" She asked, moving toward me.

I stepped back and looked up at her. She tilted her head to the side in confusion at my decision to step back from her.

"I-" I paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

~Lilani's POV~

"I-" Larry stumbled over his words.

"What's wrong babe?" He drew in a big breath and closed his eyes. He was nervous about something.

"Lilani. I can't do this anymore. I'm not the person who deserves the love that you give me because I can't return it. I can't keep stringing you along like I've been doing, like a little boy would do. We can't be together anymore, we can't be anything anymore. I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you this. I've been too much of a coward to say it. I'm so sorry for doing this to you. I'm sorry."

I could feel my eyes flood with tears as I dropped all of the fruit in my hands. He was breaking up with me.

"Larry, cut the bullshit. Tell me why you're really breaking up with me. Please. I need the real reason." He stood there quite. "There's someone else right?"

I got all the conformation I needed from his silence. I knew it. All of the ignored texts and calls, the fearful looks when I came to surprise him, even the fact that we stopped having sex. He was having it with somebody else. Somebody better. Someone prettier. Someone who wasn't me.

Sobs racked through my body as looked at him. I wanted to know who had his heart but the question interrupted by another sob. His face was full of extreme guilt but he hadn't said a word to explain himself.

Our silence was disrupted by the sound of a pair of heels clicking down the hall and into the room. It was Amandy.

"Hi Lani." Her melted away once she saw my face. "What's going on? Are you okay?" She stepped closer.

"I'm fine. I gotta go. Good luck up there you guys." I turned to face Larry. "I love you."

As grabbed my bag to leave I heard him mumble "You too." And that was that. I left my heart right there on the floor of the dressing room.

The Mrs. Carter World Tour really did end with a bang.

The End

Thank you for sticking with my ain't shitness and not giving up on me. Also thank my sister for helping me with my writer's block. She has a book up too, it's in my reading list. Les Twins Life.

Now let's get ready to be On The Run...I'm corny. I love all of you guys and that's forreal.

#RIPPrince 👑

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