Fun & Games (Part 1)

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~Bey's POV~

Our first couple of shows have been great. Everyone has been giving 100%. I love it.

I wonder what everyone's doing. I'm sure they're as bored as I am. I hated having days off sometimes. We need to have some fun.

While thinking I get ambushed by Ty who is looking quite fabulous, which is an everyday thing. "Heyy Ty-ty. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?"

"Aw babe I always knew my presence was precious. You were making a face so I came to mess up your thoughts." He smiles.

Shaking my head. "What a great friend you are." I mumble. "Do you know where everyone is? We should all go do something. Have a crew date." Hopefully I don't sound overly excited.

"What's the plan?" Ty asks.

"Arcade. Drinks."

"Dave & Buster's?"

"What other place is there?" I laugh.

"I shall gather the troops." He salutes then marches off. Fool.

While he does that I guess I'll go change. Gotta be comfortable and sexy, which isn't too hard for a queen right?

~Laurent's POV~

I just got a text from Ty telling everybody the plans for the day. Sounds better than what I was gonna do today, sleep and eat. Now all I have to do is wake up Sleeping Beauty.

"Hey bro, get up and get dressed." He doesn't move. "Larry!" Still no movement. Well he did it to himself. "Not even sorry about this." I grab his foot and pull him from under his covers. He tries to grab onto the bed but it ain't gonna work. He lands right on his face.

I wish he wasn't fast. I tried to move out of the way, I really did. But he clipped my leg with his and all I saw was carpet. That crap fucking hurt. "Dick. Get up. You been bummy all day. We go out with everybody."

"Do I gotta go?" He whines.

"Bring that girl." I suggest.

Apparently that Lilani girl is following the tour so she never too far away. She must be pretty rich to be able to go to all the shows. Probably has no life either. I just hope she's not using my brother. If so, we gonna have a big problem.

Larry moved way to fast towards his phone. It was still on the bed while he hadn't moved off the floor. He only moved that fast for Mama, Monster, and Lilo. His fingers were moving a mile a minute.

"You never text me that fast." I sounded jealous but I didn't care.

"Awww booboo you sad?" He was mocking me.

"Shut up and get dress." I say grabbing a towel and heading to the bathroom.


~Lilani's POV~

I was so glad when I got that text from Larry. Waiting to see him tomorrow at the show was gonna be torture. He managed to get me a backstage pass, which was amazing. When I asked him why he said 'Anything for a friend'. We've only known each other for a couple of weeks but the feelings are getting strong. I know he doesn't feel the same way but maybe if we spend enough time together, he will.

'Of course I wanna go. I'll meet you there. It's gonna take some time for me to get dressed.' I texted back.

"Ok Lani. See you there :p.' I loved that nickname, especially when he said it.

Now the only thing left for me to do is get dressed and do something with this curly mane of mine.

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