It's Okay

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~Author's POV~

Bey saw Larry walking around, well more like pacing back and forth. "Lar, what's wrong?" He looked at her as if she scared him.

"N-nothing. Just thinking about things." He stuttered.

She thought it was kind of cute. "Talk to me."

He scanned her body from top to bottom before speaking. "Ok, but please don't judge me." He pleaded.

"Scouts honor." She raised her right hand. It made him laugh which warmed her heart.

He drew a deep breath. "Ok. I know you remember what I said to you on the plane. I meant it with all my heart. I know you don't think of me that way and that its highly inappropriate but I just want you to know that I don't expect anything to happen. I hope we could forget this whole thing and get back to the way we were before. Agreed?"

Bey's mouth unhinged. Did he really want her to agree to that bull? She would never do that. "No, I can't agree to that. I don't think I can forget it. We can't go back to the way we were." She shook her head.

He looked at her, shocked. He didn't stare long before he turned his gaze to the ground. "Oh ok." He started to walk off. His steps were hurried, moving him quickly away from her.

Why are you just letting him walk away? Go get him! Her mind yelled at her.

"Larry wait!" She yelled but he continued walking. "Larry!" Still no answer. "Bunny, bring your ass back here now!!" He paused and turned around. Bey sprinted to him as he worked his way into the elevator and wrapped her arms around him. "I do think of you that way."

He grabbed her arms to pull them from around his waist. "This is serious. We both know you don't so why lie. You shouldn't give me any type of false hope, it would only make things worse and it wouldn't hurt more than it already does. You have everything you want and I'm an awful person for thinking that I could be one of those things. I'm just making things hard and it's unnecessary. You're happy and I shouldn't be trying to getting the way of that." He smiled through tear filled eyes.

She couldn't take it. He thought that he was nothing but a henderence. His feelings didn't bother her, not one bit, she just needed to understand her's and now that she did, she needed him as much as he needed her.

"Larry, I'm completely serious. I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. I do think of you, in more ways than one." He wouldn't believe her words so she decided to make him believe her actions. That thought kicked started her body as she finally worked up the courage to press her lips onto his.

The kiss was like ones you see in the movies, you know the ones where the main charaters have after they confess their love to each other. The kiss that's nice and slow. The kiss everyone has been waiting for and makes the audience cheer. Those ones.

Bey wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him closer. His hands slowly drifted to her ass as if he was scared to do it, he didn't want to take it too far just in case she changed her mind. He was already in too deep but taking it further would have him under the Earth. She felt him grin against her lips, causing her to do the same. Once they seperated, they refused to look away from each other's face.

Aww hell yes! Finally, oh my gosh Bey! Praise him. I have been waiting for this shit. Now that we're done with this cutesy shit, take him to your room and show him why you wrote that song Naughty Girl.

Bey chuckled at the thought. "Wait, Larry what about your girlfriend?" Just now remembering that he has one. "Is she in your room right now?"

"Yeah." He didn't sound too worried.

"Well what if she heard us?" Bey whispered like it would help after she just yelled.

He smacked his teeth. "Please she is basically dead to the world."

"Ok, but its not like I expect you to break up with her, I mean look at my situation. What's gonna happen with you and her?"

He laughed. "Well she can easily get out my life. I'll help her leave. I have you now and that's all I want." Bey was ashamed at herself for laughing as hard as she did.

"Ok Romeo, let's go eat. Something has to be open this time of night." She grabbed his hand and pressed the lobby button. They were beyond happy, but little did they know, Ty heard everything.

Ty just couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He couldn't be happier for those two idiots. He knew all about their crushes on each other and just wanted them to get together so they could stop all the pained looks. "Thank god. Now back my room."


Ya'll know what to do. Comment and vote. Remember I loves ya!

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