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"What is space like?" Niall hummed, curled up with Zayn in his Avengers blanket. He was getting sleepy, but how could he sleep when the boy from the stories his daddy told him was here? In his room?

"Different," Zayn said quietly. "Bigger. The people are meaner."

"Is it scary?"

Zayn shook his head. "It's scary here."

Niall wrinkled his nose. "Nuh-uh."

Zayn just shook his head, but he was smiling a little. "We don't have pancakes in space. I like those."

"You don't?" Niall's eyes widened at that. He couldn't imagine a world without pancakes.

"Nope." He snuggled in a bit closer to Niall in the tiny bed. "You're sleepy."

"No, I'm not," Niall yawned adorably. Zayn smiled.

"It's okay," Zayn said, "I'll be here when you wake up."

"D'you promise?"

"Cross my heart," Zayn murmured, and crossed his heart with his index finger.

~ ~ ~

"We still haven't decided what to do about Zayn," Louis hissed in Harry's ear, waking him up.

"What can we do besides keep him?" Harry yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Niall will throw a fit if he doesn't, and where are we supposed to take him? He won't have any identification or anything. It's not like we can just dump him into the foster care system."

"Harry, this is terrible," Louis sighed.

"Nothing we can do about it now," Harry shrugged. "Life's full of surprises, Lou. We might as well get used to it."

"Harry, Zayn can't stay here. He can't. This isn't...this isn't normal, and it's freaky! I can't handle this!"

"Louis," Harry said gently, cupping his husband's face in his palms. "I know this scares you. It scares me, too, baby. But Niall is happier now than ever, and Zayn has shown us no reason to fear him. I really think everything is going to be okay." Harry leaned in and kissed Louis' forehead. "I'll go get them up, okay?"

Louis sighed, pouting the smallest bit, but nodded. All he wanted was what was best for Niall and their family, and he wasn't convinced that Zayn was that for them.

~ ~ ~

"Daddy!" Niall cheered, wrapping his arms around Harry's leg.

"Hi, baby," Harry laughed, scooping his son up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Me, too?" Zayn asked softly, wanting affection as well. Harry hesitated for a second, but Zayn was so pleading, arms in the air for Harry to pick him up, and how could he deny the poor boy that? So Harry scooped Zayn up and pressed a kiss against his face, too, until both boys were beaming from ear-to-ear.

Harry knew then that somehow, some way, everything would turn out okay.

Bedtime Stories ♡ Ziall/Larry/Lirry AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now