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( I don't own the cover for this chapter)


ome context, back in the early 20th century, women would give violets to other women to declare interest in a relationship. which I think was and still is adorable, so here is a perekoo oneshot about it.

Wow Isabelle look at all the flowers!!" Alma smiled at her french friend for what felt like the first time in ages. Isabelle lived for Alma's perfect smile, and the fact that she rarely did it nowadays made it all the more special.

"They are quite beautiful!" Isabelle felt Alma tug her along down the crowded market. It was foreign to Isabelle to see the 16 year old so excited.

"Look at these violets!" The peregrine stopped in front of a slightly less packed stand, marveling at the fully bloomed flowers. "They are so blue!"

"Do you like them?" Isabelle asked as she looked around the stand for the florist who was selling them. Alma didn't respond as she was bent over looking at some of the violets shoved in the back.

"Alma Hey!" Isabelle lightly nudged her, making her stand up quite quickly, bashing her head right into the top of a metal shelf of yellow carnations.

"Are you okay?!" Isabelle froze as Alma stepped back, holding her head with tears in her eyes, but a smile from ear to ear.

"Yeah, there my favorite!" Alma whispered through her teeth, face flushed with embarrassment from making such a silly mistake in front of a crowd of people who had turned to look at her in all her embarrassment.

"How about we get out of the crowd?" Isabelle suggested, already taking Alma's hand and leading her away to a bench on the outskirts of the market. both girls plopped down on the bench,

I'm so sorry about your head!" Isabelle frowned, looking to make sure she wasn't too badly injured, just a small cut for. the sharp metal edge,

"Its okay Belle. It doesn't hurt that much!" Alma rolled her eyes. Isabelle seemed to relax a little more at the mention of no pain. "We should start to head home though, it's getting late!" Alma peregrine stood up, slowly trailing the dirt path that led to the loop entrance Isabelle cuckoo by her side. She wished they could remain out desperately. It was such a gorgeous sunset, it looked as if someone spilled watercolor paints all over the canvas of sky, dotting it with dark clouds every so often. Alma was sure she could stare at it for hours and not get bored at all.

"So...why are violets your favorite flower? What makes them so special?" Isabelle asked as she stepped on a stick, using her other foot to kick it upward and break it, sending the branch flying a few feet ahead.

Alma had to think about this one for a moment. "They have a delightful smell, and they are such a darling shade of blue. They also brighten up any room, no matter how drab!" Alma smiled as they stepped inside the tree entrance to the loop. Isabelle nodded, checking her little watch.

"So, what are you going to do for the rest of the evening? it's only 5:03." Isabelle held the door open for the peregrine.

"I think I am just going to retire early tonight. my head has started aching from banging it into that shelf!" The 16 year old smiled as she blushed slightly, embarrassed at the mishap. She truly didn't mean to jump like that at Isabelle's touch, she was just so used to having to be so cautious, she felt as if she couldn't shut it off.

"Oh, okay. Im still sorry about that..."Isabelle watched Alma head off towards their shared room, a door closing signified that Alma had made it there safely. Isabelle left, wandering her way into the kitchen where Miss avocet was Standing over the hot stove, stirring some kind of soup of sorts, While miss bunting was seated at the table, sewing up a tear in one of Roisin's dresses.

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