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Character descriptions:

Alma Peregrine

Peculiarity: Ymbryne

bird: Peregrine Falcon

age: 14 and one month. (Youngest)

Looks:  5'2 meek woman with Long black hair with a bluish sheen, typically pinned back. Sharp deep green eyes, abnormally skinny, short, Pale, glasses that she is constantly breaking (well, her brothers are). 

Other info: very dedicated to her study, and loves to find creative solutions to things. Is terrified of her brothers, and hides from them at all costs. She is the closest out of all her siblings to miss Avocet, and she is the baby of the family. loves the color blue and hanging out with Isabelle. Is fluent in French and German. 

Isabelle Cuckoo

Peculiarity: Ymbryne

bird: Common cuckoo

Age: 15

Looks:  has Silver hair long, super long, (not short yet:) Beautiful dark brown skin, Deep brown eyes, like 5'7, hourglass.

other info: She is an icon. Very outgoing, bubbly, and silly. cannot do ballroom dancing to save her life, and has a secret addiction to fruit candy, and a  secret crush on Alma, and she despises the scent of beef broth, it makes her gag. 

Roisin Gannet

Peculiarity: Ymbryne

bird: Northern Gannet

Age: 17 (oldest)

Looks: Long curly Red hair, Icy/ cornflower blue eyes, Really tall like 6'3, very muscular and bulky, seriously pale, and had many freckles everywhere.b

other info: Strong Irish accent, name is pronounced (Roe-sheen). She gives the best hugs. Goes by Roe  Always has a sunhat on when outside if she is allowed because she burns horribly. Is very strict on cleanliness, and is horribly protective.bShe's the one her siblings come to with problems. Seems to get along with everyone, including many townsfolk. Goes diving every morning and night. Is also quite clumsy at times (Gannets are clumsy on land as they typically don't walk much) 

Alice Treecreeper

Peculiarity: Ymbryne

Age: 15

Alice Treecreeper

Bird: Eurasian Treecreeper

age: 16

Looks: mouse brown hair, Chocolate Brown eyes, little tan, really tiny, meek, dark freckles Glasses.

other info: Very timid like a tree creeper and she loves to read books, and reads a lot. also enjoy studying. Also enjoys sketching and coloring. Is really good with children, and knows quite a bit of Chinese and Korean. Loves to climb trees also and take naps in them. 

Millicent Thrush

Peculiarity: Ymbryne

bird: Mistle Thrush.

Age: 15 1/2

looks: blondish brown hair that's cut mid back. Amber colored eyes, unblemished skin, Little taller than Alice but not by much. Has the tiniest bit of baby fat.

Other info: She is super bold and a free spirit at heart. Very fun, and writes in all Capital letters when excited. Is very clumsy also, and is really good at antagonizing the local boys, but it's a love hate relationship. Enjoys doing makeup, and window shopping. Only window shopping she doesn't like actually buying stuff. Somewhat impatient. 

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