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I plan on drawing stuff for this chapter so stay tuned for that y'all.

SHUT UP!" The first words that roused Englebert out of his hazy sleep. with a few blinks and a gentle groan he looked over. Ymeene was still cuddled in her thick blanket her head tucked under her wing as the almost incoherent yelling continued.

"What in the hell are they fighting about now?" Englebert coughed a little to clear his throat, then staggered out of his bed. He gently patted Ymeene's head with his finger before leaving, then stepped out of the cream colored tent. His calloused fingers gripped the branch of the little yellowing apple tree that hid him from the shouting people out front of the camp. the leafs shielded the fire that snapped and crackled as the Fight seemingly got much more tense. The French African man noticed quite a few more people were peaking out of there tents now, mostly women and a few men all watching the ordeal in the front of the camp.

"Bert!" A sudden hand that gripped his shoulder scared the soul out of Him as he swung his head around to come face to face with Arlotto who covered his mouth before He could make a sound.

"It's those heathens again. the group from the north. Tomb's and the others are trying to keep them in line, but it's getting heated quickly. You should go talk to em Bert. You're the most level headed man here." The Italian man glanced back over to where the group of men who shouts were progressively getting louder and more rage filled with each insult thrown.

"Alright thank you." Englebert made his way quickly through the tents that scattered the area. Elina peaked out and waved from Anna's tent with a smile, Anna was watching the fight from behind Elina, twisting her straight black hair on her fingers as she nervously as she did. He nodded at Anna in solidarity to which the Greek woman returned it, but he could still feel the terror in her periwinkle eyes as he continued on.

Englebert made it to the group quickly, bit surveyed the mob of people. Only about 7 men in all this time, most burly and rough looking, dressed in cloaks and angry expressions. the 21 year old man rolled his eyes a rather grim facial expression appearing as he pushed his way into the middle of the crowd.

Most of the men on the peculiar side quickly shushed there taunts and insults when Englebert stepped up. The leader for the Northerners stepped up also, towering over Englebert. Tombs was waiting on the side, his nose bleeding. Micheal and Vincent were holding him back, eyes full of pure fury.

"Good evening gentleman, what seems to be the issue?" Englebert held out his hand to who he believed was the head of the mob, a tall, man that could easily throw anyone who came his way. his black hair shined in the patchy moonlight and his hazel eyes reflected Engelbert's unease.

"I already told y'all once, don't make me repeat myself again. You best be giving us what's ours back boy." The man sneered, his crooked teeth being oddly visible as he took a step froward. Englebert took a step back, hands coming to his chest in a defensive move.

"We dont have anything of yours sir." Bert tried to reason with the man in front of him. air became stiff as the mans face became even more red. If Englebert didn't know better he would have thought this mans head was going to explode. "WE KNOW YOU STOLE FROM MR. ALLEN'S FARM DONT PLAY DUMB BOY!"

"Stop yelling, respect the fact that we have young children and women sleeping!!" Englebert demanded, his foot sinking into the ground as he spoke. He felt his own anger starting to form a little bit as the fire raged on.

"Bert?" Ymeene called after she shifted back into human form. She had another terrible dream this night. This time she was wandering through a horribly fogged over forest, and everytime she glanced upward she could spot a different brother, Nika, Soneto, and Mitakal all frozen in the branches staring at her blank, milky white eyes as numerous crows picked apart their rotting flesh. They all emitted Bloodcurdling screeches as the hawks remained staring down upon there sister, as if they couldn't feel their bodies being torn apart.

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