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yeah, it's a PereKoo one shot. if there's any interest, I might make a separate book for them.


"Miss! look it's snowing!!" Claire pressed her face up to the iced over window. Miss Peregrine turned back from the stove, a small smile on her face.

"It is?" she shut the stove off, and left the rich hot chocolate to cool a bit as she looked out her own frosted window pane.

"Can we go out and play in it?" Olive asked. Both of the young girls rarely experienced snow, as Miss Peregrine never let them leave the loop to play in it, deeming it "to dangerous" Now she was with Miss Cuckoo, and it was much harder to lie to the children and say no.

"Al?" Isabelle walked in, both girls turning there attention to the taller woman. "This came for you." she handed her a tiny parcel. "From Alice."

"Miss C will you take us outside to play in the snow?!" Claire quickly turned her pleas to the other adult and excitedly shook her hand, her eyes full of stars. Alma shook her head mouthing the words "No" but Isabelle either didn't see her, or ignored her much to the Peregrines dismay.

"Of course! Isabelle said as she bent down to their height "Go get your warmest clothing on alright?" Both girls darted out of the room, squeaking with delight as they basically raced upstairs, there footfalls becoming lighter and lighter as they made it to there rooms.

"What are you waiting for? Go get your clothes on Al!" Isabelle gave her that same warm smile, but it wasn't enough to warm up her cold expression.

"Oh no!" miss P turned back to the stove. "You said you would, and only you. I'm NOT going outside." She started to stir the cocoa, catching a wiff of the warm scent.

"Mon Cheri you cannot let me brave the elements alone! com'on, it's be fun!" Isabelle shook the shorter woman's arm who in turn rolled her eyes. "Please!"

"You know I don't like the snow Izzy." Miss Peregrine said as she grabbed some mugs down. "Besides, I just made this and I must prepare a lesson for the children for tommrrow which I'm already not looking forward too. So please, if you will excuse me." Alma started to fill the mugs, trying desperately to ignore Isabelle.

"The hot cocoa will be fine until we get back! Just leave it in the pot!" Isabelle bounced on her toes. Alma didn't listen, still put some into the cups, for the children who wanted some, but we're not venturing outside.

"If you come outside with me just for 1 hour, I will do your lesson plans for a week and Teach the math section, pinkie promise!" miss Cuckoo leaned on the counter next to the stove, holding out her pinkie.

Now that was an intriguing offer to Alma. She was finding it much harder to teach the children modern math, math she had not even learned herself. Isabelle knew what she was doing and was a math wizard with the "common core" modern math.

"Fine. 1 hour." The peregrine mumbled begrudgingly, setting the ladle down beside the pan. Isabelle smiled triumphantly.

"Wonderful! Go get your snow clothing on dear!"

"I am only doing this for the sake of my children." Alma snapped as she made it to the doorway and started to leave.

"Only doing it for the sake of my childrennn" Isabelle mocked until Alma turned around with a glare, leaving Isabelle to simply snicker to herself once the tiny woman left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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