my little girl

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Who's crying?" The elder miss Finch took a few little hops in the home through the window. She had just returned home quite late from a council meeting, a rather short one that only seemed to involve the older Ymbrynes. "Its must be close..." She took flight, slowly soaring down the hall of the moonlit house. It took the finch a little bit to narrow it down, but she finally landed outside the door to the huge kitchen.

"Chirp?" the Elder Finch chirped in hopes the crier would hear her, but the soft sobs seem to drown anything other noise out. After a few more half chirps in an attempt to get the child's attention, it seemed Miss Finch was clearly not getting anywhere. "Plan B I guess" Miss Finch shrugged, then flew off to her room

After a rather straining transformation, a woman who looked about late 60's early 70's laid spread out on the dusty old bed

"Hurts so much each time I stay longer. How long had it been this time? at least a few years at this point." She sighed, then sat up, glancing over towards her dresser which had a thick layer of dust on it. everything. in her room did, which wasn't really unusual, she rarely used anything in it.

"I should probably ask Evalynn to dust in here one day...or I could..." Miss Finch walked over to her dresser, but only found old ball gowns and rather fancy dresses that were much too time consuming to put on.

"Guess I'm going with a nightgown... Where did I even leave those? the closet?" Miss Finch opened the closet door, a small grin forming on her lips as she pulled out a pale blue nightgown, her favorite from when she was still remaining in Human form full time.
Her partner miss Goose had sewn it for her after finding out her other one got torn by a rusty nail miss G never fixed. It had been her favorite ever sense. "surprised it's still wearable." Miss Finch smiled, but soon it left her face as she marched quietly towards the kitchen.

"Pardon me, but Who might be in the kitchen?" She called. the crying suddenly ceased, but no voice came to replace it.

"Hello?" Miss Finch called out, reaching up onto the door frame. Unless her niece moved it, there should be...

"Yes!" Miss Finch pulled down the tarnished silver key. fiddling with it in the door lock, she was able to finally get the key to unlock the old door. With a single swing she swung it open.
"Who might be in...Eva? what are you doing?" miss Finch stayed as still as a statue as Her niece froze in the windowsill which was perched half open, with one of her legs dangling out.

"Were you escape out the window?" The elder Finch watched The younger Finch slowly bring her leg back in and shut the window

"No.." Eva said with a hint of guilt in her voice as she stayed perched on the window, slowly moving her leg back in and obscuring her face away from the edlery

"Well then dear, may you please take a seat, I would like to discuss something with you." Miss Finch pulled out a oak chair.

"Can't." Eva tried to keep her back turned to her Aunt, terrified to have almost been caught crying. "Shoulda been faster, idiot." Her mind yelled at her. At least if she was able to get out the window she could have hid in the bushes until she left, but now, her Auntie sat in human form and Eva knew that the dreaded question was coming.

"Honey, were you the one crying?"

"And she asked the question before I could even fabricate a story, lovely!" Eva thought as she chewed the side of her mouth nervously. "No." She snapped viciously, pulling a hair tie off the counter and tying her hair back into a messy low bun. "You heard nothing. Go back to bed, your to old to be awake."

"Excuse me little girl?" Miss Finch could see her Niece stop stirring whatever was in the bowl, instantaneously regretting her words. "I'll have you know im only 200 and something! much young enough to know what I heard young lady! Now, I would like to conversate with you. Please Turn around Evalynn!" Miss Finch waited, but Her niece stayed facing the counter.

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