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Taylors POV

I wake up to sunlight streaming into the room. I'm suddenly aware I am not in my own bedroom. I feel someone move next to me and I roll off the bed startles.

"Morning sleepy head" I hear Karlie say. Everything from the previous night comes flooding back to me.

"Good morning" I reply, as I crawl back into her bed. She wraps her arms around my waist and for a moment I forget the mess that I'm in right now. I snuggle closer to her, tucking my head in the crook of her neck. We fit together like a puzzle and I just enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. I forgot how good it feels to be close to someone and to let someone care about me. In this moment, every plan I made to keep my guard up goes down the drain. The moment is quickly interrupted when Tracy knocks on the door.

"Come in!" Karlie replies.

"Good morning girls! I made some vegan pancakes, eggs, and bacon if you guys are hungry." Tracy says.

"Thanks Mom, we will be down in a few minutes." Tracy leaves the room and I hear her walking back down the stairs. I sit up and realize I am still wearing my clothes from yesterday.

"Um Karlie, would it be ok if I borrowed some clothes?" I question embarrassedly.

"Yeah of course! You can wear anything you find in the closet," She says, pointing me in the direction of her clothes. I throw on an oversized hoodie and some shorts and walk towards the stairs. She trails behind me, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

I find her whole family sitting at the kitchen island talking and laughing. I immediately feel a pang of guilt for interrupting and sadness because I've never had this in my life. Her mom opens her arms for a hug and I gladly accept. My own mother would never consider offering physical affection to me. Before meeting Karlie, I hated touching people. I didn't know the difference between abuse and affection. These past 24 hours have changed that completely. For some reason, Karlie makes me feel completely at ease.

Karlie's POV

Taylor looks so cute in my hoodie with her hair pulled back into a bun. Now isn't the time Kloss, I remind myself. When we get downstairs my whole family is there. I wasn't expecting that but I knew at some point I was going to have to introduce them to Taylor. I start fidgeting at the thought of having to introduce her to my dad. It's not that he's mean but he says insensitive things that he usually doesn't mean. It just always comes out wrong.

"Kristine, Kimby, Karianne, Dad, this is Taylor," I say smiling as I introduce her. "Taylor, these are my sisters and my dad." I gesture over to them. My sisters all smile and make small talk with Taylor as my mom finishes up breakfast. I have to glare at Kimby a few times when her questions get too personal but for the most part everything goes smoothly. My dad and mom talk to each other mostly and I know my mom is doing her best to keep him from saying anything stupid.

We all bring in plates and forks and sit down at the table to eat. I notice Taylor not taking much food. I know it's not something I should be too concerned about but I make a mental note about it for later.

"So Taylor, are you Karlie's "girlfriend"?" My dad asks, breaking the silence that had settled over us as we ate.

"KURT! WHAT THE HELL?" my mom responds before I've had the chance to say anything.

"What? It's a valid question!" He says defensively. Taylor looks down at her lap uncomfortably, not knowing what to say. I want the earth to swallow me whole right now. Its one thing for my dad to be homophobic to me but a whole nother one when he brings Taylor into it.

"Can I have a word with you?" My mom asks sternly, leading my dad into the hallway. I give Taylor's leg a reassuring squeeze. I want to make sure she knows that we all have her back and my dad has no influence on my opinion of her.

Kimby is the first to speak up, "If you guys are dating, I have no problem with it but Taylor, if you hurt Karlie, I will personally murder you."

"Guys, we aren't dating. Some stuff happened and Taylor is gonna stay with us for a while. End of story." I say. Taylor nibbles at her bacon uncomfortably and I shoot my sisters a glare. I know they are only trying to help but common guys, read the room. My parents walk back into the room and my Dad mumbles an apology to Taylor and I. I have no idea what my mom said to him but he seems embarrassed of his previous behavior.

After breakfast, he pulls me aside. "Hey Karlie, I know I haven't been super accepting since you came out to us. I realize now how brave you were to tell us that and how my reaction was fucked up. I love you no matter what honey. Your mom makes me the happiest person in the world and I want you to have the same, whether it's with a guy or a girl."

"Thanks Dad. I really do appreciate it.'

"And if that girl is Taylor, I support, just no sex under our roof." He says laughing.

"Ew Dad gross." I say chuckling back, so happy to have my dad's blessing. So this morning wasn't the smoothest but it worked out ok. 

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