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Karlie's POV

"So I know you probably don't want to hear this but I think we both need to go back to school soon. We can probably call and adjust your schedule to make it a little easier on you but until we figure out a permanent solution, that's probably the best we can do" I say, taking a bite of pancake.

"Permanent solution?" she asks concerned.

"No, no I'm not kicking you out" I am quick to assure her, "I meant homeschooling or changing classes so that I could be there with you if you wanted. My mom is happy to make any adjustments necessary and happy you have you here so please never worry about having a place in this house." I squeeze her hand to assure her I am not going anywhere.

"Thank you, having classes with you would be really great," she mumbles as she nibbles on some bacon "But really if I am too much just let me know and I'll go"

"Taylor, I'll keep assuring you until you get it in your head that you. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere. If you don't want to. I would never ever ever kick you out."

When we finish breakfast and get changed, we head downstairs. My parents call us to the living room and I immediately dread what they are going to say.

"Girls, we have decided to ..." My dad says and I get more nervous, "go to a Cardinals game tonight as a welcome for Taylor."

I breathe a sigh of relief because that is not what I thought he was going to say.

"YESSSSS!" Kimby yells in excitement.

"Thank you Dad," I say, "and Taylor, prepare to see a side of me you haven't before. I'm a little bit competitive." I am thrilled my dad has accepted Taylor this quickly. I wasn't expecting him to at all but a baseball game is Kurt's idea of a peace offering. I make a mental note to ask Taylor how she feels about all of this considering baseball can be pretty overwhelming and I assume she hasn't been to a game before. I check the clock realizing its already 11 and I know my Dad likes to get to games early.

I walk upstairs, dragging Taylor with me because we have to get ready. "How do you feel about the baseball game," I ask her.

"I haven't been to one since I was five before my dad went all crazy. I guess I am a little nervous but I'm so glad your parents don't mind me." She replies

"Of course they don't mind. I think my Dad is thrilled to share his passion with someone else and besides, we can make new memories so you aren't reminded of your dad every time you see a game." I smile at her before walking over to the closet to pull out some jerseys. I start throwing every piece of cardinals merch I have on the bed. "Wear whatever you want of this stuff but just know, my family is a little baseball crazy so your gonna have to wear a lot." I call out from under a pile of clothing.

"Oh my god Karlie, you are such a dork" She responds laughing. I turn around to see her holding a photo of me from my first game holding a foam "#1 Cardinals fan" hand and wearing a jersey and hat far too big for my little four-year-old self. "This is the most adorable photo I have ever seen"

"No way! I have been looking for that photo for ages. I have no memory of that day but that game started my obsession with watching baseball" I throw on a jersey and some clean shorts and start digging through all the other merch I have collected over the years. I land on a hat, some sunglasses, and a bracelet. I hand Taylor a matching jersey and hat to add to the necklace she's already wearing and say "Come on Swift, you can do so much better. The number one rule of impressing Kurt Kloss is being a Cardinals fan."

She chuckles and puts on the jersey and hat "is this good enough?" she asks.

"Perfect lemme just take a photo real quick." I say as I pull out a polaroid camera. "Damn Taylor, you should be a model" I add as the film develops.

"Says you. You could literally be a victoria's secret supermodel angel woman" she replies. I look down embarrassed because no one has ever said that before. I know she sees the blush on my cheeks but I just brush it off and move on despite the rapid increase of my heartbeat.

"Come on, we gotta go before my dad gets impatient. He always likes to be there reallyyyy early" I say with a mock eyeroll.

We all pile into the car and head to the game.

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