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Taylor's POV

I get increasingly nervous as we get closer to the field. Karlie seems to be able to sense it and she takes my hand. Luckily we are sitting in the back row of their mini van and her parents can't see us. When we get to the field, we scramble to find our seats through the crowd of fans. As we sit Karlie whispers to me,

"Hey bub, your ok. You can relax. I'm right here"

"I'll try" I respond, squeezing her hand.

This is the most excited I've seen Karlie about anything besides coding. She is totally carefree and her whole face lights up as she explains the game to me. She suggests teaching me how to throw a baseball later claiming it's 'a right of passage in the Kloss household'. I find myself laughing and grinning right along with her, noticing how contagious her sunshiney energy is. I forget how much my life has gone to shit and just lose myself in the moment. Lyrics begin to swirl through my head and I pull out my phone to write them down.

"Tay? What are you typing to passionately?" She asks with a grin.

I blush and respond, "Just some song ideas, it's really nothing."

"Oh my god! I'm witnessing the writing of the next lyrical masterpiece. You know if you ever wanted to share a song with someone, i'm all ears." She gushes, losing focus from the game.

"I wouldn't say lyrical masterpiece but definitely some of my better work. Maybe when I finish it you can hear it but I'll have to see." I say. I know I want her to hear some of my music eventually but at the right moment. I know how I feel about her but I don't wanna scare her away. My writing is some of my deepest, rawest emotions and as much as she has already seen, there are still some things that I want to keep to myself. I know there are two songs in particular that I have been working on that she needs to hear, as a token of my appreciation to her for everything she has done for me.

"I don't wanna push you to share or anything if you're not comfortable." She replies as if reading my mind, "But, I would really love to hear some."

"Thank you Karls, I really appreciate it. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Really, I'm so grateful."

"Anytime Tay. I'm always gonna be here for you, I hope you know that." She responds, protectively wrapping and arm around my shoulder. We watch the rest of the game in comfortable silence, cheering when the Cardinals score.

When we get home Karlie pulls me aside, "I want to show you something, come with me" I follow her to her car and ask

"Where are we going? You're not kidnapping me right?" I joke.

"No no, we're going to my favorite special place. I've never been here with anyone before but whenever I need to be alone or need some peace I come here. I spent a lot of time here after I came out to my parents." she says as we pull up on the edge of a sandy cliff. I follow behind her as she walks through the tall grass towards the water. The sun is setting and theres no one else around. She pulls out a picnic blanket and a tote bag filled with food and takes my hand leading over to a perfect sitting area.

"Oh my god Karlie! This is incredible"

"I thought you might need this kind of peaceful place. And if you wanted somewhere to sit and write, its kinda perfect." She smiles at me. She pulls out chips and lemonade and fresh baked cookies with frosting on top. As she opens the cookies, she gets frosting all over her hands.

"Boop! I got you!" she laughing getting frosting on my nose and runs off towards the water.

"Oh, nuh uh. I'm gonna get you back for that one." I reply running after her.

	When I catch up to her, I tackled her to the ground rubbing frosting all over her face

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When I catch up to her, I tackled her to the ground rubbing frosting all over her face. We're both cracking up hysterically lying on top of each other in the sand. Our faces are so close and I can feel her breath. I decide to make the first move, showing her i'm all in. I lean in, closing the gap. Her hands grip my hips, hugging me closer to her. As I pull back, I admire her freckles and make the decision to play her the song I've been working on.



"Can I play you one of my songs?"

"Yeah, of course! I'm honored. First, can I give you a gift?" She asks.

I nod, grinning from ear to ear.

Karlie's POV

I run to the car to grab the gift I got for her. I was planning on giving it to her later but now seems like a much better time.

"I know you had one of these at your parents house but you couldn't bring it with you and I thought you might wanna play it sometime and maybe.."

"I love it so much thank you Karls!" She cuts me off giddy with excitement. "Wait, did you give it to me now so I could play you a song?"

"Maybe" I say smirking. We sit back on the picnic blanket as she strums her new guitar a few times.

"Ok so this first one is about my parents. I figured I would start with the sad one..." She says as she starts singing.

"The drought was the very worst

When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst

It was months and months of back and forth

And the sky turned black like a perfect storm

And by morning

Gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean

There was nothing left to do

When the butterflies turned to

Dust that covered my whole room

So I punched a hole in the roof

Let the flood carry away all my pictures of you

Rain came pouring down

When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe

And by morning

Gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean

I think I am finally clean"

She looks up at me as she finishes. Tears are streaming down my face and all I can think to do is wrap my arms around her. "Thank you for saving me" she whispers in my ear.

Author note: Thank you for sticking with me this far! The other song with be revealed in the next chapter. Comment any suggestions for where this story should go or guesses on the song <3

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