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Taylor's POV

I wake up bright and early and I notice an empty space where Karlie should be. Great, she left, like everyone else. I prepared myself for this but I can't help but be upset by the disappointment that settles over me like a thick cloud. I know I want something more with Karlie but I don't want to burden her with my issues. I need to deal with those myself. Whatever, it's not gonna happen since she clearly wants nothing to do with me. Just as I started to spiral, none other than Karlie walked in, sweaty all over, abs on full display. She catches me staring and raises her eyebrows at me.

"You've got shiny abs" I say before I even realize what's coming out of my mouth.

"Good observation," She replies, smirking at me.

"I thought you left me," I admit quietly.

"Oh bubs, I wouldn't do that," She says as she sits down on the bed.

"EVERYONE FUCKING LEAVES" I yell, burying my face in her shoulder. I sob into the crook of her neck and she wraps her arms around me.

"Look at me Taylor, nothing you say is gonna change how I feel about you. You're smart and sweet and funny and kind. I don't care if you've been through a lot, I want you either way."

"Really?" I ask

"Yes. Really, honestly, truly." She repeats. I get lost in her green eyes, before deciding to make the first move and close any remaining gap between us. I lean in and press my lips against hers, gently at first. She takes a second to respond but soon her hands are on my cheeks and she's kissing me back passionately. I break away for a second to catch my breath.

"I want this. I want to try this." I say gasping for air.

"I do too." She says before leaning back in. I push her down on the bed, straddling her waist. I run my hands along her abs, feeling every muscle. I kiss down her neck and then go back to her lips. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Karlie scrambles off the bed to open it in an attempt to hide what we were doing. She opens the door to a smiling Tracy Kloss.

Karlie's POV

"Karlie, put your shirt on," My mom says playfully, alleviating any tension. She seems to know what we were doing but is choosing not to comment which I appreciate. "I just brought up some breakfast for you guys so you can stay in bed a little longer" She says, winking at me. I've grown to realize, she knows everything. Nothing goes unnoticed by her. Luckily for me though, she seems ok with everything. She closes the door and I hear her footsteps as she goes back down the stairs. I jump on top of Taylor and pick up right where we left off.

"Is this ok?" I ask, sliding my hand up her shirt slowly.

"Mhmm," she replies, nodding at me to continue. As much as I want to do more, I keep myself from letting my hands wander too much. Eventually I collapse on top of her and plant soft kisses along her shoulders and collarbone.

"You're very cute, you know that?" She turns away from me, hiding her blush. "What? Has no one told you that before?"

"Umm, not really"

"SERIOUSLY?" I ask. I begin peppering kisses all over her face. "Well, you are so very cute."

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