Chapter One

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It was getting dark. Rain was pouring down like waterfalls. The windows of the house were foggy on the inside, and covered with raindrops on the outside. The clouds hung low in the sky. The chilly wind blew, making the trees, the crops, and the flowers sway back and forth. But inside the house, it's warm. 


"Do we need more wood for the fire?" I asked. "Nah, I think it should be good enough," Lars replied. The four of us were sitting in front of the fireplace, with blankets wrapped around us, and each holding a warm cup of hot chocolate. Lex and Lars were cuddled up in a huge furry blanket, with their arms around each other. " Awww, look at the lovebirds! Aren't they cute?" Kate whispered to me. "Yeah, they make the best couple ever!" I whispered back, not quietly enough. Lex heard, and laughed. "Jules, you should practice your whispering more, you know. I think people from Mars could hear that." Lex spluttered. But still, he was pleased to hear it. "Ay!" I crossed my arms. That was my sort-of angry pose. "I am VERY good at whispering thank you very much. It's just that your hearing is too good. Maybe you shouldn't eavesdrop on other people's conversations next time then!" Lars laughed. 

Lars and Lex were sitting on a couch, while me and Kate faced each other, both on armchairs. All of a sudden, an idea popped into my mind. I put my hot chocolate down on the coffee table and faced my best friends, my eyes gleaming. "Guys, I just had the most amazing idea ever. What if we invite the whole class to a game of Truth or Dare in the barn?" 

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