Chapter Four

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I got a water bottle, and placed it on the ground in the centre of the circle, next to the torch. "Who wants to spin?" I asked. "Meee!!!" Lars said. He turned the bottle, and then twisted his hand in a clockwise direction. 


It landed on Xander.

"Truth or dare?" Lars asked. "Truth." He answered. Lars knew that I liked Xander, so of course, being such a great friend that he is, he asked Xander with a smirk that is barely visible in the dark: "Who do you think is the most attractive girl here?" 

"Phia. Easy."

Those words stung. I could just about hold in my tears, and Lars' face turned into a mad scowl. I shook my head, gesturing that it's fine, but Lars was having none of that. "Xander, we all know that Phia has boyfriend. So why don't you go for someone that's single, pretty, and smart? Someone like... Jules?" 

I was just about to die at that moment, so I flicked my hood of my jumper on, and hugged my knees. "Well, Jules is a great friend and all, but I don't consider her more than a friend." Xander said. 


"Let's move on." Rocky said, breaking the tension. He spun the bottle, and it landed on Lex. "Truth or dare?" Rocky asked. "Dare." Lex replied. 

Suddenly, the torch flickered, and went out.

Everyone fell silent. The barn was pitch black.

Kate spoke first, with a nervous tremble in her voice: "Um... Jules? Did you check that the battery was in?"

"I'm sure I put it in, and it was a new one too..." I replied, confused. "Maybe it was just a malfunction?" I crawled to the centre of the of the circle and switched the torch off. After a few seconds, I turned it on, and light shone through, but somehow the light was dimmer. I tried to turn the fairy lights and the barn light on, but nothing happened. 


Maybe a power-cut?

But the fairy lights run from battery..?


Suddenly, I heard a shrill voice coming from downstairs.

Suddenly, I heard a shrill voice coming from downstairs

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"Did... did you guys hear that...?" I whipped my head around. "Heard what?" Kavin asked. "I swear I heard something too..." Niuniu whispered. "Lex, yknow about the dare that you chose? Well, I dare you to investigate and tell us what it was." Rocky told Lex. "On it." And with that, Lex climbed down the wooden ladder with the broken torch.

It was darkness.

We waited.

And waited.

We could hear shuffles, and then...


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