Chapter Ten

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At the funeral, everyone was crying. The coffin was empty, since we don't have Lex's body. Instead, we put a huge photo of Lex on the coffin. All of Lex's family members and friends were there, gathered to support each other as his coffin got carried to the tomb. They lowered the wooden box covered with flowers in the deep hole in the ground. Just seeing this sight made my heart crumble to pieces. Lex was one of my best friends, and will always be. His jokes always make me laugh, and I think he can cheer anyone up on a bad day. Lex's family stood up and presented a speech about how lucky they were to have had Lex in their lives, and how devastated they were to lose him. Close to the end, everyone started tearing up again, and the ceremony ended.

I was feeling so overwhelmed by what was happening, I told Lars and Kate to go home without me, and that I would catch a taxi or the bus home. I went outside to get some fresh air. Heading straight to the flower garden, I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. I tried to stop them, but they gushed out like waterfalls. I sat myself down on a bench next to the tulips. I cried my heart out. I couldn't believe this was happening. Just last week, we were having so much fun. The memories scarred my heart. I gasped for air. My body was shaking. All of a sudden, it started raining heavily. I was only wearing a black dress, with no jacket to cover my bear shoulders. Shivering with cold, I decided to catch a bus home, but my legs were so frozen and numb that I couldn't move. In the distance, I could see a person coming towards me. They came closer and closer. I squinted my eyes and realised that it was Rocky. He looked at me and said: "Jules, you idiot." I rolled my eyes and spat: "What do you want, Rocky?" He held out his hand. I took it. He pulled me up and grabbed my waist. I put my arms on his chest, and suddenly, we were inches apart. "You would've died of hyperthermia if it weren't for me. Again." He winked at me and draped his leather jacket on my shoulders and carried me to his car. I climbed in the passenger seat. His car was surprisingly warm, with the heaters at full blast. Rocky started the car and within seconds arrived at my house. I thanked and told him that I owe him one, and he blew me a kiss, and drove off.

I went straight up to my room that night, and fell asleep.

Still wearing Rocky's leather jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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