Chapter Nine

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I struggled to get up from my bed, tears streaming down my face, but Rocky gently pushed me down and wiped my tears away with his finger. "Jules, you need to rest. I'll go and tell the police what happened, and you stay here to rest, okay?" His face was close to mine. "Okay. Thank you for taking care of me." I replied. "No problem." He flashed me his handsome smile. He almost looked... hot. No Jules, he's your enemy, remember? And plus, you like Xander. I thought to myself, shaking out of it. 

As soon as Rocky left my room, I sat up and went straight to Lars' room. I tried the doorknob, but it was locked. "Lars?" I called softly. "Go away." I could hear him sniff. "Lars, please let me in..." I pleaded. I could hear him shuffle to the door, then, it opened just the tiniest crack. "What do you want?" He mumbled. "Hey, can I come in?" I asked. "I don't really care anymore." He opened the door and flopped onto his bed, face down. I reached over and grabbed the tissue box and handed it over. He sat up and used the tissues to wipe his tears away. I hugged him and said: "It's okay, we are going to find him." Lars sniffed and nodded. "Do you want some alone time?" I questioned, although, reading his facial expressions, I could see how much this has affected him. "Yes please." Lars replied. I backed out of the room and closed the door. I went downstairs and saw police cars lined up behind the Porsche and the SUV. The lights were flashing, and the yellow and black warning tapes covered the door of the barn. Sirens were blasting, cones were everywhere, and people were bustling around, some crying, some looking worried, but most, just trying to get over the shock of what had just happened.

That was the murderer's first strike. 

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