Family Revelations and Catching a Ghost

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Your P.o.V

Phoebe and Podcast tell us about how they've majorly screwed up and something is now on the loose. "So, what the hell is going on?" Thank you for that Trevor. Phoebe says about how New York city was attacked in the 80s.  "I know the Manhattan ghost stories."

"The stories are real." Did these guys not know that?

"Yeah, and so were the guys who climbed a building and saved the world and fought back an invading army of the undead. Not to mention a 100-foot marshmallow man." Was I the only one who was told about this growing up.

"Our grandfather was Egon Spengler. He was a Ghostbuster."

"Wait, hold on a second. You mean to tell me, that you are a descendant of Egon Spengler. The Ghostbuster. Your name is Trevor Spengler, grandson of Egon Spengler." I know I'm repeating myself but I can't get over that fact. "So that means that this is the Ecto 1. Oh my god, this is the best day of my life." Sitting back against the seat, the others look over at me confused. Trevor puts his hand against my forehead and I slap it away. "Listen this is a big deal to me ok-"

The radio cuts me off. "All units, we're getting reports of, well, some kind of animal taking a bite out of Steve Fletcher's truck. Apparently, he almost took the whole tailgate off?"



Time Skip

While Trevor drives, I talk to the younger kids about the different traps and materials that they found. "What should we be looking for?" I glance at the boy, also wondering the same thing.

"Evidence." Podcast sits forward in between Trevor and I.

"Can you stop breathing in my ear?" Trevor glares at the younger boy.

"No." Fair enough, it's kind of funny seeing dirt boy get annoyed.

"You guys, this is kind of stupid. Are you sure you didn't see, like, a raccoon or, like, a possum?" Just as Trevor finish's his sentence, Phoebe yells and points forwards.

In front of us is a blue slime... thing.

"Is that a...?" Trevor and I look at each other nervously.

"Free-floating metal muncher. Definitely Class Five." How does this kid know that?

"Okay, uh, what do we do?" Please don't make us go after it.

"Let's get him." Fuck.

Trevor looks over. "What?" His voice goes high pitched and if it wasn't for the fact we're about to follow a ghost, I would tease him for it.

"Let me get a photo first." Oh these kids have no nerves.  Phoebe picks up the proton pack and puts it on. Podcast leans forward and a door behind us opens.

"Guys?" The seat she's on flies out and everyone panics.

"Whoa. It has a gunner seat?"

"That's awesome!" Podcast sticks his hand up and I slap it. The blue ghost slowly turns to us. It makes a noise and then turns the knob on the fire hydrant. Muncher, as the kids call it, roars and zooms away, leaving the fire hydrant to shoot water into the road.

Phoebe starts up the proton pack and shouts into the car. "Go, go, go!" Trevor speeds after the ghost. The sudden change in speed makes Podcast fly back and I grab onto Trevor's arm.

Following after the ghost, it screech's and Phoebe shoots a beam at it. "Oh my god, we're all gonna die!" I shout, struggling to stay upright. Phoebe continues to shoot the proton pack at it, missing and destroying building fronts. Muncher goes into buildings so Phoebe stops. Trevor quickly grabs my other hand and puts it on his arm so both my hands are on his right arm. I hold on really tight because right now I'm terrified for my life. Just as Phoebe goes to shoot at it again, it turns around. The blue piece of shit starts shooting at us from it's mouth and we all scream. Trevor swerves the car to miss the bullets and I hide my face in his shoulder, trying to not distract him. Phoebe goes back to shooting at it and more building fronts get wrecked.

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