Chapter 3: On A Tuesday

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"Uhm... yeahh.. yes okay" she laughs it off. His seriousness is still kinda awkward for her.
"Yeah?" He was almost surprised at her answer too.
She nods and they both smiled for a bit as the sun hits their skin.

Her stomach grumbled and they both heard it. Great timing. "I'm kinda hungry. Breakfast?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"Yeah.. of course.. what do you want to order?" He asks as they walk back to the kitchen.
"Order? Don't you have food here?" She asks but then she remembers a bit of him.
"Oh right.. you don't eat breakfast" Selena goes through his fridge and sees yogurt tubs.
"I'm okay with this. You don't have to order" She says as she sees some fruits and nuts on his counter.
"You seem to know a lot about me for someone who's not a fan" he smirks as he approach her from behind. She turns around and he was facing her with his hands on the counter. Cornering her sides.

"I didn't say I'm not a fan. I said I like other drivers too" She laughs as she takes a spoonful of yogurt and eats some infront of him.
"Is it good?" He asks studying her face
"A bit sour but it's okay" she says as she gets another
"Looks good though" He smirks and waits for her to get another scoop and kisses her.
Her eyes widened and playfully pushes him back.
"Maaaax" she blushes and looks away
"Don't you have to go to the gym or something" She changes the topic
"Last night was an effective workout though" He whispers and nibbles her ear then slowly pecks her neck for little kisses.


She answers the call and suddenly her reaction drops into panic
"I thought we didn't have anything today"
"What's it for?"
"A wedding??!"
"That's such a big event!!"
"Omygod. Prepare the ingredients I'll be on the way"

Max sees her furrow her eyebrows, he simply looks at her face. Curious.

She ends the call and looks at him in the eye. Letting out a big sigh, she says "I'm sorry I have to go" she puts down the yogurt on the counter.
"Yeah... how far are we from La el's?"
"La el's?"
"Like the cafe?" She's suddenly confused because if Max doesn't know it then she's probably too far from it
"I'll just call a cab" she says as she walks towards the door
"Hey wait... let me drive you"
"Do you even know La el's?"
"Yes! I was just surprised when you said it"
"Oh. No... it's alright I can go there myself"
"It's just a quick drive come on" Max says as he holds her hand, walking towards the parking

She sees his fancy car, she suddenly gets nervous.
Hesitantly she hops in and Max starts to drive

"So... you're the owner?"
"Uhm... more like the caretaker"
"I heard you earlier... you're also bake?"
"Uhh... yes"
Her eyes kept looking around while her hands grasping tightly to her seatbelt

But Max was too focused in driving that he didn't notice how nervous Selena was

"Omygosh! Thanks!"
They've arrived quickly and Selena quickly gets out of the car. She didn't even realize that she left her bag
"Sel—" Max couldn't call her because she ran to inside already. He softly chuckles. "Silly" he says as he drives off

Inside La el's kitchen

"We already have the cakes made so I prepared all the icing we needed and the other stuff" Kyla says as Selena starts to tie her hair up and wear her apron
"Good. Can you show me what she wanted"
As they discuss and work on the cake, what went on for hours felt like minutes. Time was too fast whenever you feel so pressed about it.

But thankfully, it was done. Done and Deal. The cake was beautiful and elegant. Slowly they held it together and carefully placed it in the truck with their delivery guy.
"I can handle this" Kyla assured Selena that she'll be able to manage the wedding cake prep in the venue.

It's not like it's their first wedding cake though, but of course accidents may happen.

Selena sees the truck and waves her goodbye. She prays that they get there safely. As soon as she gets back inside the kitchen, she starts cleaning.

After a while, she gets a call from Kyla.

"It's all set up and it's stunning! I'll send you some pics"
"That's great then!!"
"The bride really loved it and they're gonna order next week for their party too!"
"That's great news then! I've cleaned it all up here. You can go home after that okay?"
"Ohhh selenaaa! You didn't have tooo! But thank youu!"
Selena chuckles "have fun later then"
"I will! Thank you!!" Kyla ends the call happily and Selena puts up a reminder about the order for next week.

She was closing up the shop when she realized that it was already dark outside. She was going to grab her phone when "shoot. Where's my bag" she just realized that she might've left her stuff at Max's house.

Trying to remember where exactly she might've lost it, worrying she might not be able to get it, and getting a headache from stressing it out— she heard a car beep as she puts on the store lock.

"Were you able to make it??"

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