Chapter 6: Feverish

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It's already morning and Selena is up earlier than usual. She even leaves earlier just so she wouldn't see Callum.

What he said made sense, his concern for her was very much valid. Why? Because he was the one who rescued her from that awful situation before

But she was also feeling conflicted. She clearly felt something different the moment she met Max. Maybe it was anxiety, starstruck or just opportunity to give into lust.

Either way, it kept bothering her as she goes to work. She must've been on autopilot. Couldn't even remember how she got there.

"OUCH!!" Selena finally wakes up from her deep thoughts when Kyla accidentally touches the cake pan out from the oven
"Go quick cool it off and put ointment" She quickly assists her and cleans up the scattered cake

"I'm sorry I was so distracted" Kyla says
"It's alright.. I'm kinda out of my mind too. Since it's pretty slow today, why don't you go home early?"
"But we haven't finished baking today's goods"
"It's fine. I'll just close the store early"

And it's true, there weren't many customers today. It was just their regulars, nothing she can't manage.

Days went so slowly until one night...
Callum knocks on her door with some bag of crisps

"Ena.. I'm sorry for raising my voice the other night. Are you still angry at me? I got a bag of your favorite crisps as peace offering"

Selena opens the door and sighs

"Forgive me?" Callum sweetly smiles
"fineee" She rolls her eyes as he goes inside

"You were watching?" He asks as he sees her watching his race replay
"It was just on. I didn't know what else to watch anyways"
"Here" he opens the bag and hands it to her as they seat on the couch

The night went on like it usually does.

They talk about some of the stuff Callum has been seeing around the paddock, some rumors and even a little bit about F1 too.

But then it all just circled back to Max

"He's definitely unpredictable"
"He is but... it's not like we can judge him just because of rumors you heard"
"Ena..." Callum pauses trying to think of a better way to say it but he just couldn't
"Max... he's known to pickup girls from the bar to hook up often"

Selena was a little bit surprised but it was kinda expected especially with the way he led her to the beach that night. She sighs

"Aren't you scared that he might just be playing around? I'm really concerned about you"
"I am but... I think it's worth giving a chance. He's worth giving the chance"

Callum sighs and shakes his head

"I do wish you are right, Ena"

The days went on and next thing she knows, it's already Sunday.

As she cleans up the store, her phone suddenly rings. She ran behind the counter but when she sees it's just a spam caller

"Right. I forgot to get his number..." she sighs and sits for a bit

He's probably off his way to the race. She looks up and sees what time the race starts. She's planning to watch it later to maybe get a glimpse of him.

and there he was... racing and even from her phone screen she holds her breath as he looks to the camera. Her throat dries up and she licks her lips.

Why was this man looking too good

She quickly closes her phone as she feels her cheeks get hot and that night she dreams of their steamy night together~

"Good morning!" Callum sees Selena go out of her apartment looking a little flustered.
"Morning!" She says as she quickly leaves
"Are you sick? Do you need medicine?" He yells but she didn't even look back

"Are you sure you're okay? You're looking a bit red" Kyla asks as they prepare for the day
"Yeah.." Selena can only deny it but her body seemed to heat up at even the thought of Max's lips

"I should really focus" she mutters to herself only to be distracted by a new customer that just went in. Looks like a tourist.

He smiles brightly and speaks french
At first the tourist paused, forgetting that this is a local cafe.

But Selena smiles and happily recommends a nice coffee to go along with his pastry choice. She sighs in relief. Oh thank heavens, she still remembers some french from her old school works.

She was already cleaning getting ready to close up just waiting for the tourist to finish when she hears the bell chimes indicating that a customer came in.

Selena looks up and sees Max walking towards the counter, passing through the employee side door. Holding her wrist, quickly dragging her inside the baking area.

She couldn't even react when Max cornered her to the wall and sits her up on the table

Their faces close to each other

His eyes piercing through her

It was as if the Lion wants to growl

Scary and yet so majestic

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