Chapter 9: Nightmares

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'"Max—" Selena kisses him back but slowly panics with her hands being tied down against the bed

"You're distracted" he softly bites her neck making her, tightens his grip on her wrists

Selena winces for a moment, feeling a bit uncomfortable but eventually relaxes as his hands made its way down to her curves

"Hhmn.." she quietly moans as he strokes her down, undresses her and caresses her body.

Max couldn't control it anymore but their bodies' temperature was just too hot to handle.

He kissed her once more and grabs a condom in the drawer next to the bed.

Selena's cheeks were flushed and red.

Slowly the world began spinning as Max puts it in.

"Aahhmmnn" she bites her lips trying not to scream too loudly.

Everything started out slow— him thrusting into the rhythm. but for some reason, Max started to get rougher as he sees her lewd expression, with her hand on her mouth and moans she can barely cover.

"Too.. much... please.. Max.. st—" tears were forming in the corner of her eyes as he hits her most sensitive spot

Bursting of pleasure, her visions become blurry and falls into deep slumber.

Max touches her forehead, "fuck"
She's been burning up since the start, confusing her red cheeks as arousal.

He wipes off her tears and realizes that he went overboard tonight

"I'll apologize tomorrow and see if she's hurt anywhere" he sighs and regrets his sudden aggression, he thought he needed to ask who Cal was and why he was looking for her.

He shakes his head as he sees her peaceful beside him. Soft and Beautiful. He tucks her in and holds her beside him as he quickly falls into sleep

—3am rolls around

'Cmon it's just gonna hurt a little at the start! It's totally fun afterwards huh? Just bear with it you stupid bitch!'
'Please no. I don't want to!'
'Hold her down! Bitch you better stay quiet! You've been teasing us all night long'
'No! No! No!'

Max quickly wakes up after hearing noises, he quickly turns and checks up on Selena.

"Hey hey hey. It's a dream.. It's all a dream" He gently says as she wakes up with tears in her eyes
"It's just a dream... I'm here don't worry I'm here" Max repeatedly whispers as he hugs her to him

After what felt like an eternity, she stops crying and realizes that she was in someone's arms

She jerks back and Max was surprised at her sudden reaction. They looked at each other's eyes. She looks at the whole room like it was her first time there.

Then a sudden realization hit her
"I'm sorry I just..."
"Do you need—" 
"No I..." she pauses not being able to express completely

Max is visibly confused at her reaction
Where was this coming from, he wondered

"Can you leave me alone please" she says so firmly yet looking down to her hands, nervous
"Look at me when you're talking" he says holding her chin up, making their eyes meet again

And for the first time he saw something that he's never seen before— Pain.

He couldn't understand what it was but her eyes were telling him how hurt she was. Hurt? By what? By him?? But he didn't do anything he thought

"I'm sorry about last night... I got a bit carried away I just—"

"I want to go home now..." she says getting up

"It's still too early"
"I'll walk"
"Don't be crazy, it's dangerous outside"
"I need to go" she says getting all her stuff like nothing just happened

"Hey.. wait atleast let me drive you" he stops her by holding her hand.
"I can just get a cab or something" she quickly retreats her hand to herself and looks away
"Please.. just let me drive you atleast.." holding her hand tightly again as he looks at her worried.

"... okay" she meekly says

Something's wrong and yet he couldn't figure it out. What was it that changed. It's only been a week, heck— they just had sex before she fell asleep. Was is her fever? Was it her nightmare?

He tried to drive as slow as he could but all she did was look outside the car window.

Her hands joined together that her nails almost digs into her skin. The shortness of breath that she desperately tries to hide and her true condition, barely hanging on as he gets near her apartment building.

'Just one more stop light and I'll—' she thought it would be over soon enough but something caught her eye... Selena sees her worst nightmare right outside walking. She quickly ducks down which made Max rather shocked and looks out the window too

It was just 2 guys walking in a far distance nothing actually out of the ordinary and yet she's clearly shaking

"Are you hurt somewhere? How can I help—" Max asks as he pulls up to the apartment but she quickly unbuckles her seatbelt and goes out without even saying a word.

She ran the fastest that she could.
As far away as possible.

Her head started spinning, her heart beating too fast, her body shaking in fear. her shortness of breath made her sit on the ground eyes closed, hands on her ears

"Leave me alone please just leave me alone!!" She says as she starts to feel light headed to the point of passing out

hoping that Max wouldn't see her like this... swallowed in fear

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