Chapter 10

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Few weeks later - Zayn POV

It had been a few weeks later, and we had almost finished our project.

We'd been hanging out around the likes of our project, we just couldn't seem to find any free time do either of us to hangout without our project.

Either way, it was fun hanging out with him, with or without our project. It was honestly just like our childhood again.

We'd even say hi whenever we could talk in school. We'd have a to to the school little conversations in class, but sometimes it was mostly over messages, we can't just talk in class I for sure am not one to get in trouble, plus I never really sat next to him.

To say the least, I enjoyed our chats that we had, even if it was just simply over our project.

At the moment, I was sitting in my room, looking at the ceiling. I had just got back from school, and now i'm bored out of my mind.

I wanted to get on my phone, but there's really nothing to do on there. I could even take a nap right now. I started to shut my eyes—

Knock on my door, made me shoot right up, "Zayn, someone's here for you," I heard Niall's voice, and I physically relaxed after realizing it was just him.

Who would be here for me? I proceeded to get up from my bed, and head downstairs. I turn the corner seeing, Harry standing there. I had a look of surprise on my face.

I would've expected Liam, Luke, or even Josh, but it was Harry. "Harry?," I looked at him confused, I would've thought he'd text me ahead of time that he was coming over.

"Sorry to just show up like this, I would've texted you, but by the time I would have already been here anyway," He looked at me, then at Niall who was standing nearer to the stairs.

"Oh okay, that's fine didn't expect you to be honest," I looked away from him up to my room upstairs. I guess he got the memo, because he walked closer to me, and we headed upstairs.

We got into my room and we sat down on my bed, "What are you doing here?" I looked at him, waiting for an explanation.

It's not the fact that I didn't want Harry here, it's just the fact he never has time to hangout with me, because his boyfriend. I'd be lucky enough, if he got to work on our project with me.

He looked away from me, to the floor, "I had some free time..." He didn't sound to confident in what he just said.

I try to get a clearer view of his face, he looked as though he was about to start crying, like he was trying to hold back tears. "Harry, are you okay?" That must've made him want to cry even more, because when I asked he let out a choked out sob.

He looked at me and I saw a tears falling from his eyes, he wiped at his nose and shook his head no.

I scooted close to him, a little bit of distance between us. I rubbed his back to comfort him, and at that he leaned his head on my shoulder. I didn't expect this from Harry, I never seen him cry, even as kids.

I heard soft sniffles coming from him, and he finally started to try and say something, "I— He—," I shook my head feeling nothing but sorrow.

"Take your time Harry," I only wanted him to calm down first, before he started to speak, he sounded so hurt, and it pained me to even listen to the words coming out of his mouth, his words sounding very broken.

"Lou— Louis, he said," Three words out and he started full on sobbing, letting it all out. I continued to rub his back, hoping to comfort him, and try and calm him down.

This happened for a good, ten minutes before I heard his crying calm down. I heard soft little snores, I laid him down, in the position we were sitting in, and got up to get a blanket to put over him.

I came back with a blanket, and covered him up with it. I go change into sweats and a t-shirt, and then go back to the bed, gently getting in trying not to wake him.

I look at him, feeling hurt that he is going through whatever it is he's going through. Whatever is hurting him is hurting me, it hurts me to see one of my friends cry like this.

I slowly drift off to sleep, after many minutes of thinking.

If it doesn't make sense just reread because I basically changed the story, same concept, different moods and tones of characters.


Texting - Zarry Stylik Where stories live. Discover now