Chapter 11

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Zayn POV

It was the morning after Harry had cried himself to sleep. I had woke up and he was sitting up facing away from me, he sensed me move and turned around to face me.

I got up and rubbed my eyes, "Hey Haz, feeling better?" I looked at him not sure if i should've asked, feeling a little awkward thinking he'd try and change the subject.

He looked away from me like he was thinking about answering, "Not really." He said it so monotonously like he was not having it, "I'm really sorry, I "barged" in without messaging I just didn't know where or who else to go to."

I shook my head at that knowing I would be there for any of my friends, I didn't care if they were to show up and just come in without asking, "It's fine really, just as long as your okay."

I wanted to ask what had made him cry, but I didn't want to make him cry like he did the day before.

He laid back down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I could feel the tension in the air, but tried my best to ignore it knowing he was going through something.

"It's not fine though, I came in here and just bursted into tears without an explanation," he sighed covering his face with his hands, "I've come to terms with myself, and I don't want to hide my emotions."

I just looked at him not saying anything, waiting for him to continue talking.

He looked away from the ceiling towards me, "Louis my boyfriend or ex as of yesterday, broke up with me," He sniffled and then proceeded, "He said "we need a break" and didn't even tell me the reason why, i'm not even sure if we're surely broken up." By the end of his little rant, he was already sobbing.

I walked over to him, comforting him as I did the day before. He sat up and hugged me and continued to sob into my neck. I didn't want to say anything, not knowing what to say, basically speechless at a real loss of words. I didn't ever like seeing my friends like this, but if they ever needed me i'm always going to be there, no matter the cause.

"I'm so glad that we're friends again Zayn," he sniffled, "I thought about you everyday, since you moved, never once forgetting you hoping you'd come back one day, and you did I was so happy but didn't know how to approach you. I didn't know if you'd be the same, I didn't even know if I would be the same. I gave you space but every time I saw you, I would think about our childhood friendship we once had." I smiled at him rambling.

I pulled away from the contact of our hug, looking at him in the eyes, "And I the same for you Harry, there wouldn't be a moment that my mind didn't flash to us playing as kids, I hated my mother for moving me away. I came back here moving in with Niall, because he was the only person that I knew would take care of me. I even came back here with the full intent of seeing you again, but I didn't know how to approach you either." I pulled him into another hug, then pulled away standing up.

"You can take a breather, relax for a little bit i'm going to go freshen up," I said leaving him there and going into my bathroom.

Time skip

I come out after 15 minutes and enter into my room, but I don't see Harry anywhere. I look around confused and walk over to my phone, seeing Harry has messaged me.

Harry: I didn't want to bother you with any of my emotions, but I am thankful that you helped me handle them a little bit.

I sighed deeply, I hated the fact that he felt this way but if he wants to be left alone I will do just that, and he can come back and talk to me whenever he wants.

Zayn: You weren't bothering me, but if you need space I understand that and I will do just that, just know you can talk to me whenever.

Harry: Thanks Zayn.

Zayn: You're welcome Harry, Bye.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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