Chapter 4

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2 weeks later

Zayn: Hey prince Harry.
Read 7:21PM

Harry: Sorry, I was doing something.

Zayn: Oh okay, I was a bit confused. What were you doing?

Harry: I was out, with someone, but I'm back home now.

Zayn: Okay, do you still want to do those questions we were doing week before last?

Harry: Sure.

Zayn: Okay, oh shit wait never mind, I just got called to do some chores, i'll brb.

Harry: Okay, hurry back.

Zayn: Will do.

Harry: Also remember to plan more questions.

Zayn: I will try to think of some, bye Harry.

Harry: Bye.
Read at 7:24PM

Harry: Hey Zayn.

Zayn: Hey Harry.

Harry: Did you plan any questions while doing chores?

Zayn: I totally forgot.

Zayn: Did you plan any?

Harry: I didn't plan any actually...

Harry: Sorry not sorry.

Zayn: Well I guess we'll have to do this another day then.

Harry: That's fine by me.

Zayn: What did you do today?

Harry: I was out with my boyfriend, we were just out shopping for him ofc.

Zayn: Oh, you have a boyfriend?

Harry: Yes anything wrong with that?

Zayn: No, I just thought you would've been the kind to be completely straight.

Harry: Didn't you ever learn not to judge a book by its cover Zayn?

Zayn: Yes I did, I just stereotyped your name since it sounds like a prince name.

Harry: Can't stereotype everything, you gotta learn from the person you're speaking to.

Zayn: I know, but anyways imma go to sleep Harry gn.

Harry: Gn Zayn.



Texting - Zarry Stylik Where stories live. Discover now