Chapter 3

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A week later

Harry: Hello Zayn.

Zayn: Why are you still texting me, we barely know each other?

Harry: Is it a problem that I'm trying to get to know you? Also I'm very bored because someone isn't talking to me.

Harry: Last time I messaged you, I was bored out of my mind, and you just left me on read.

Zayn: I'm sorry, I was busy doing work.

Zayn: I barely even know who you are, and to see someone I barely know that messaged me by accident trying to talk to me is strange.

Harry: We could get to know each other Zayn, we could ask any questions we want to each other.

Zayn: Okay, but any personal questions i'm not answering.

Harry: Ok do you want to go first or me?

Zayn: I'll let you go first, I have to think about the questions I'm going to ask.

Harry: Ok Uhm, What is your full name?

Zayn: Like full name including middle, or just first and last?

Harry: Whatever you're most comfortable with giving.

Zayn: Alright, My full name not including middle is Zayn Malik.

Zayn: Now you go.

Harry: That name is very familiar to me, it sounds like a childhood friend I had once.. but if you must know my name including middle is Harry Edward Styles.

Zayn: Thank you, you're name also sounds very familiar I think i've heard it somewhere before. You're name is like a prince name.

Harry: Thank you, funny because my childhood friend would say that to me too. Anyways next question, how old are you?

Zayn: I'm 16, how about you?

Harry: Oh were quite close in age actually, I'm 18.

Zayn: Oh okay, I was kind of beginning to worry, who knows you could've been a 40 year old man.

Harry: Lmao, good thing i'm not. I don't have anymore questions to ask do you have any yet?

Zayn: I'll ask just one, after that I have to go.

Harry: Why where you going?

Zayn: Out with a friend for a little bit, but anyways my question is, how tall are you?

Harry: Oh okay, so is it like a date or are you just hanging out?

Zayn: Harry, I asked you the question.

Harry: Oh, I'm 6ft tall, how tall are you?

Zayn: I'm 5ft 9in.

Harry: Nice, now back to my other question.

Zayn: It's just a simple hangout with a friend nothing serious.

Harry: Oh okay, what are you going to be doing?

Zayn: I don't know yet, he hasn't really told me.

Zayn: Okay, I gtg now Harry.

Harry: Okay bye Zayn.

How are you liking it so far??

- Z

Texting - Zarry Stylik Where stories live. Discover now