part thirty-six

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my hands trembled with each punch i threw onto the boxing bag

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my hands trembled with each punch i threw onto the boxing bag.

boxing has become my number one since i have been nine.

my life hasn't been the easiest, i didn't know how to get my anger out, i didn't know any other emotion besides anger if i'm being honest. so boxing became my thing.

it wasn't always the boxing bags that aimed to, i used to hit every fucker that did the slightest thing wrong, i'm talking about the littlest thing. as little as looking down while i was speaking. It doesn't excuse my action in anyway but whenever anything happened i took it as my chance to release my anger. I am in no way proud of the things i have done in my past, part of me regrets them because i am still getting haunted by them the other part is because it wasn't me. i wasn't acting like myself. i was acting as the kid who got abounded with his older brother, the kid that got beaten up at a young age for no literal reason, the kid that was homeless with no one but his brother. the anger was uncontrollable. so i acted up on it.

which i shouldn't have but i didn't know any better.

every now and then i take myself on a little boxing trip where i do underground fights.

no one knows about them besides Marco. Me and Marco have a really close bond, we can basically read each other like an open book.

we have our little dirty secrets.

anyways, today is one of those nights.

i am fighting.

after a little warm up, i strip out of my clothes and slide on my boxing shorts along my red rope with my name blasted on it in a shimmery gold.

"okey are you ready to go out there Ricardo?" Marco walks into the room closing the door right after him.

i give him a nod and wait for him to continue knowing he wants to say something.

"how angry are you right now and why" he hesitantly asks, i don't blame him.

i take a deep breath and nod.

"about eight and point five out of ten and because of athena" i groan, "killing him will fucking break her marco we both know it" i shake my head.

athena, she is one stubborn little angel, i know killing him is everything we all want. After i had found out what he had done to her i lost it and went down to him. I stripped him naked and started beating him to death, i then sliced his fingers and fucking fed them to him. I wanted to do more but my brother stopped me telling something about 'don't kill him yet idiot i want to have some fun with him too'

i am just fucking mad that it's always the innocent souls.

Elijah and Athena deserve the world and more but all they got is fucking hell, and my brother is one of the fucking ones that made her feel like she is unworthy. i am still mad at him for sending me to Italy for a mission, which wasn't even a fucking mission it was for him to go through the plan of kidnapping athena without my knowing.

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