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10th century, Hogwarts Castle

Years after Merlin's visit, only seemed to pass by blissfully. The great wizard, visited once every few moons, enough to see what had become of his task. He witnessed the growth of young Harry, how the founders cherished and shaped the child, he watched as the four elders joined together to ensure that the small babe was loved, nourished, and looked after. The boy had well and truly wormed his way into each of their hearts, even if some were a little more reluctant to admit to this fact than others.

Harry evolved into quite the eccentric character too, he was curious about everything and anything, and rather enjoyed floundering through the historic castle he'd taken to calling home.

The first few years of his life had definitely been a learning curve- for all those involved. Harry's magic was a great deal more powerful than Merlin had first suspected, it was wild, enigmatic, and rather instinctive. It resembled a feeling similar to that of the wizard's own, and Merlin had only just come to terms with the astounding attestation that Harry drew from both the world around him when casting, as well as his core. A delightful mixture of the Olde Magic, that had been long lost since the passing of King Arthur, and the present form of magic, which had evolved and infiltrated the current Wizarding world.

Harry truly was a wonder to watch and to teach, his magic was distinctive and elemental, though often times temperamental, especially when the boy's accidental magic had come into play (much to the chagrin of one, Salazar Slytherin).

They'd had to begin the boy's control lessons after a certain mishap had occurred in the Great Hall, where Harry had gotten rather zealous over an announcement and sent quite the spark flailing through the air. Which had, thankfully, only resulted in Godric fussing over his singed beard and Salazar snorting into his dinner. This control allowed Harry to connect further with his core, to understand how magic was truly supposed to feel, and how it could aid him.

Occlumency training had started soon afterwards, and it helped a great deal, seeing as Harry's imaginative and bold displays of magic started to occur less and less often. The boy instead chose to make use of his powers by furthering his inquisitive nature, something Helga largely appreciated.

It hadn't stopped there though, magic seemed to call to Harry like sailors to a singing siren. The boy could make objects appear wordlessly when and where he wanted by the time he was four, and vanish them too. He loved to transfigure his work into birds that were delivered promptly to the founders' desks, and grinned mischievously whenever the birds grew impatient with waiting. By the time he was six, he had built a great control over his wandless magic and felt at ease using most spells, simply flicked a hand whenever needed.

Of course, it wasn't just magic that he'd been taught. No, Harry learned to read and write with remarkable ease early on. And although he detested most of his etiquette lessons, claiming they tended to drag on, the boy grew accustomed to what was expected of him, he understood and learnt how he was supposed to act and treat other people. He was shaping up to be quite the little heir, something Godric liked to remind them all of.

Customs and traditions were often brought up too, and Merlin liked to sit and chat with Harry whenever he stopped by to talk History, to explain the events of the world the child would soon have to live in.

Languages were also infused into Harry's daily life, mostly due to Rowena's insistence. Latin had come first, then as had Harry adapted the witch quickly trailed into French. Rowena was all for the idea that once a person had become fluent in a language that was different to that of their native tongue, they then had the capability to further their linguistic skills. Which meant that new languages were often brought up and used whenever Harry spent time with the dark haired witch.

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