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Hi.. a long time's passed since the last update and I'm sorry! I really do love this story but I've had a lot I've been struggling with over the last couple months. Hope you enjoy this new chapter though, a few new characters for you!:)


Gringotts Bank, Diagon Alley, Wizarding London

It was strange, entering the bank. The building was large, plastered in an ageing white and held up by slanted tuscan columns, it was also fairly hard to miss even if you weren't searching for it, easily the most eye capturing establishment around. But where you might have expected longs queues and sighing customers, you actually found a place so obviously full of life. It gave a new meaning to the term hustle and bustle.

Harry dipped his head in polite greeting as he passed by two creatures in garish uniforms, who stood guard either side of the grand entrance. They in turn, seemed suddenly perplexed but returned the gesture solemnly, which ebbed some of the remaining tension Harry felt still lingering in his shoulders from his journey into the alley.

Inside, it was like nothing he had ever seen before.

A set of bronze doors opened up to reveal an expansive chamber settled in ambient light. An impressive candelabra loomed high up above the spotless marbled floors and rough stone counters stretched along the length of the room leading off elsewhere. Goblins manned the rows, some wore spectacles whilst others had forgone the suggested suit jacket, but every single one of them appeared to be scowling in some shape or form.

Harry let his eyes wander for a brief moment. The bank was definitely a big shift from what he was used to. Back home, people- even witches and wizards- mainly bartered or haggled, exchanging poultry or grains for necessary items. If you were lucky enough to get your hands on some silver pennies then those could be used, too.

But the idea of having entire buildings to store and trade money in baffled him somewhat. So as he made his way over to the nearest counter Harry was merely thankful for Merlin and all of his lengthy lectures and teachings on the current world at hand.

He cleared his throat lightly as he sidled up, sidestepping a hovering couple, and gifted the accountant a small but genuine smile. The goblin peered back at him in retort.

"Hello." Harry started, "Is there any possibility that I could talk with my account manager at some point today? Only, I've recently returned to the isles and my first priority is to sort through my current indentures and affairs."

The goblin narrowed his beady eyes at him as he shifted in his seat and moved a hefty pile of documents to his left. There was an exaggerated pause before he finally spoke. "Name, please."

With a hollow chuckle and a wry turn of his lips, Harry eyed his surroundings closely but ultimately leant in closer in hopes not be overheard.

"Harry Potter."

The stare he was met with was almost insufferable. The goblin's cold, inscrutable eyes bored into his own, and if Harry hadn't known any better he might have believed the accountant to be attempting to wither his way past his mindscape, but the creature simply blinked before he dipped his head.

"Wand, if you please."

Harry wasn't quite quick enough to hide his grimace. The goblin raised a mocking brow.

"Well, you see, I don't actually have one." He disclosed with an awful attempt at a smile, "Or well I do, but it's in pretty bad shape, snapped clean in half on my way over, actually-"

Harry's explanation was promptly silenced by a raised hand.

"There is no need for further details." The goblin spoke decisively, "If you truly are who you say you are to be, then you should have no problems completing an inheritance test."

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