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My dearest Harry,

It is a strange feeling that envelopes me as I write to you now, a thousand years before anyone will ever read this letter. I hope that you are well, that you have only grown more inquisitive in nature since our last encounter, and twice as remarkable, though I do not doubt it. You have always held such a fascinating nature, as both a student and as my progeny.

If I can be honest with you, Snakelet, I currently find myself struggling. I look at you today, sat in my lesson with a soot stained nose, surrounded by potions ingredients and other students that you do not second guess on giving aid, and wonder what life will be like for us all when you are finally gone. It sounds trivial, I have always known that you would never be able stay with us here forever. But still, I cannot help the fear I feel, young Harry. I know with all my heart and mind that you will be okay, that you will prevail and become every inch of the man I already know you to be, and yet, I continue to be selfish. Wishing that the anguish of your time will soon resolve itself so that you will not have to rejoin and live amongst them.

Because you see, in my life, Harry, I never truly pictured myself settling down, of finding a wife and sharing children. But then you were brought to the castle, to us, a mere babe with a face so innocent and eyes as bright as the break of day, and I thought to myself, that first time in which I bared witness to you, of how tiny you appeared bundled in Merlin's arms, pondered over how on Earth any being could wish any foul thing on a creature so pure and delicate.

Then you grew, you changed and adapted. You learned to crawl and then to walk, and I got to bare witness to it all. A privilege I never thought I deserved. I watched you talk to the snakes that hid amongst the castle's grounds. I saw how hard you tried when casting your patronus and then when becoming an animagi. How genial you were to the other pupils who were scared and wary, so far from home. I witnessed the way you took the others in, how you made your strength theirs, how you gave each of them a chance, a voice. Even when they might not have deserved it.

And in each instance I was proud. Proud that I had been gifted such an opportunity of having had a hand in raising you, as well as the pleasure of then teaching you. Simply just proud of you in your entirety, my little Serpens.

I understand that things may be difficult in the coming months, but you would do best to remember that you are stronger than the damage that is being done. That nothing lasts forever and forever never lasts. You need only try.

I should tell you that I am set to travel after the week of your departure, I hope to find some more students for the castle to house, or at the very least attempt to. We have heard word of conspirators in East Anglia and so I plan to head there first. With a little luck it will be nothing too worrisome. After that, I will then travel into the West, there seems to be some rumours surrounding the breeding of magical serpents near Cambridgeshire that I am rather intrigued to see if reign true. I only pray that these things will keep me occupied in your vacancy.

Good luck, Harry, if I failed to mention that sentiment during our final encounter. Though, I doubt you will be needing it, seeing as you have the fortune of a four leaf clover whenever it comes to escaping the trouble that often finds you.

This letter shall be my last chance to speak with you, at least that is what I believe. I do not think that the others have had the foresight to write to you also, but in truth this is also part of an experiment of mine. Though the workings of it will either be lost to time or held within your current grasp. I dually hope it is the latter. Still, I know they also wish you well and will miss you in the same extremity as I.

Already I mourn you, my child. Though I will cherish our every moment.

Sincerely yours, Salazar Slytherin.

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