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10th century, Hogwarts Castle


Harry's eyes widened comically at the booming sound of Salazar's jarring voice. He had just ducked into one of the courtyard's many alcoves, hidden from view, but he knew better than to believe that Sal wouldn't find him- the man had gotten this far, even whilst being covered in the thick mud Harry had conjured up to hang over the dungeon's entrance. And by the sound it, he didn't seem too thrilled about that fact.

"I know it was you." Sal grunted out and Harry heard him flick away a wad of sludge- he was far too close. "Was it Godric that put you up to these forsaken tricks? I thought you to be smarter than that."

With a wince, Harry tried to muster up a sheepish smile as he moved to unveil himself- better to just get it over with, he thought- but felt that it didn't quite come off that way, especially upon seeing the expression that dawned on Sal's face.

The boy immediately captured his bottom lip between his front teeth to keep the sudden hysteria he felt from bubbling up out of his mouth, knowing that the potions master would not take too kindly to being openly mocked.

Salazar's narrowed leer zoomed in on Harry as the boy warily approached, though he was smart enough to keep a safe distance between them.

"Well?" Demanded Salazar, but Harry had no real answer for him, his lips thinned uncomfortably as he watched an obscene amount of muck fall from the older wizard's right shoulder and hit the slabbed floor they stood on with a splat. A seething hiss escaped the older man, and like the true serpent he was, Sal reared back, ready to strike.

"I'm... sorry?" Harry finally uttered once he felt as though his mirth had dampened enough to not allow a trickle of laughter to seep into his voice.

"Was that a statement, or rather a question?"

Harry grimaced and let his eyes drop to his feet before he slowly gazed back up at the stern man.

"Oh no, you do not." Sal immediately said, waving off Harry's quick attempt at a cherubic expression. "You are far too old to be pulling those eyes at me, child, they no longer work! You would have a better chance at hunting down and then taming a nundu, than weaselling your way out of this one."

All signs of fake innocence were then swept away as an amused grin crept along Harry's lips. The boy shrugged, feigning an artless air of nonchalance as he let a fingertip trail across an indent in one of the courtyard's mossy bricks.

"We really ought to get the elves out here early next spring," Harry commented casually as he wiped away the residue which lined his fingers, "This courtyard could do with some work, do you not think?"

"Harrison." Salazar all but growled just as a clump of mud slipped from his slick dark hair and past his nose. "Do not test me."

It took all of Harry's strength for him to not roll his eyes at the threat, although still thoroughly amused. He looked back over at the wizard stood before him and with a simple wave of his arm the remaining mud vanished, leaving a rather irritated looking Slytherin behind.

"You truly are no fun." Harry practically pouted as he made to walk away. Salazar was far too quick though, and he caught the adolescent by the shoulder before he could take another step. Harry huffed unhappily.

"Oh I can have fun, Snakelet. As a matter of fact, I just had a marvellous idea!" Sal retorted, an all too familiar smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Helga has made a fair few complaints about the Hippogriff stables needing a new lick of paint as well as a good clear out, I am quite sure she would be thrilled to have you aid her."

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