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1996, Diagon Alley, London

It was just as they were leaving Flourish and Blotts, with charmed bags slung over their shoulders and content smiles on their faces, that Harry spotted his godfather. Sirius was stood just across the cobbled street, hands hidden in the pockets of his long black trench, shoulders somewhat hunched in apparent tension, as he conversed with an unfamiliar woman.

The woman, in question, stood apart from the rest of the Alley's crowd, though not in a way that claimed she was better than, she simply warranted attention, and Harry could only guess that it was the same case wherever else she went.

She was elegant, that much was obvious. Practically flawless, as though she had just stepped out from a vivid painting or a fanciful book. With her icy blonde hair, which hid under a curtain of black locks and peaked out here and there to frame her heart shaped face. She was beautiful and poised, like an apple in the Garden of Eden, perched perfectly in wait, both so unassuming and yet utterly tempting.

She wore her wealth well, Harry noted too, with tailored garments of fine linen and dainty accents of jewellery. It wasn't shoved in your face, there was no flaunting with her, she hadn't a need to, the way she held herself was tell enough. This woman was inciting, and she definitely knew it.

"Sirius?" Came Remus' hesitant call, breaking Harry from his surveying. He blinked as his godfather turned slightly in his stance and caught the way Sirius's eyes widened briefly in- was that relief? How odd.

"The pair of you! Was just beginning to wonder whether those books had pulled you into their pages." Sirius joked halfheartedly. He smiled amicably between both them and the woman beside him before proceeding to gesture them over.

Harry slipped on his best impression of the young heir he was supposed to be as he strode on over towards the couple, silently grateful to all of the founders for their many earlier teachings. He bowed slightly as he inclined his head in polite greeting to the lady and the woman in turn watched him for a stagnant second with the most bluest eyes Harry had ever seen, before she gifted him a graceful smile.

Sirius on the other hand seemed to have forgotten his manners completely as he gaped at them both, looking rather shocked. Harry sighed internally. His godfather was supposed to be the next Lord to an Ancient and Noble house, how had he yet learnt to hide his emotions?

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady.." Harry fished.

"Malfoy." The woman informed with the beginnings of a smirk, her sharp eyes drifting from Harry to his godfather and back, "And whom might you be?"

This was seemingly the moment Sirius chose to pull himself together and step in, he cleared his throat slightly to properly introduce them. "Uh, this, Cissy, would be my godson, Harry. And Harry, this is my cousin, Narcissa."

Harry knew immediately that the woman had connected the dots on just who he was within a blink, her face brightened the tiniest bit as she dipped her chin in respectful regard.

"So you are," Narcissa hummed, her voice like honey as she appraised Harry with those beryl blue eyes of hers. "I assure you, the pleasure is all mine, Heir Potter."

"Harry, please." Harry corrected, knowing the inclinations behind giving the woman permission to use his given name. This was not a lady he would want on any side other than his. And he deemed it was never too early to begin making preparations for later convenience, Sal had engrained that into him a little too well.

The woman must have seen something worthy in him because she gave him a rather genuine smile and offered out her hand. "Then you may also call me Narcissa, any kin of my cousin is family in my eyes."

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