Explorer of Illusionary Mists

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Aincrad, Stalvatos Ruins

The path to the descending floor is not how Koharu imagined. Just below the lookout point where she and the girls originally stared out to the skies a week ago is a floating landmass, similar in geography to the current floor that it looks like it broke off the Stalvatos Ruins.

“So this is the path to that new area.”

“That wasn’t here before, was it? Aincrad is pretty unstable, so it must have formed when part of the place collapsed.”

“Being able to just walk to a lower level is pretty cool. I was just getting kinda sick of navigating labyrinths.”

Koharu almost unconsciously snorts at that last comment that came from Lisbeth as she, Silica, and Leafa comment about the new pathway. The last hour and a half with the pink-headed blacksmith and the red warrior was so uncomfortable that not even the presence of good food from the restaurant they went to helped. But it wasn’t the building animosity between Koharu and Lisbeth that made things truly uncomfortable, but the odd silence of Jaymes the majority of the time.

She knows Jaymes well enough to know he has his moments where he goes completely silent for no known reason, but this felt different. Foreign, she might call it, but she can’t recall any moment between them logging on and now that could made him become that way. It could… It could be a Joshua problem?

“Tia could be somewhere up ahead.”

Kirito pats Premiere on her shoulder. “That would be nice, right?”

“You’re really anxious to see her, aren’t you?”

“Why’s that, Premiere?”

“The reason I wish to see Tia? The last time we saw her, she rejected the idea of friendship. I believe this because she never had a chance to meet people like you.”

“There are definitely lots of different people who play this game”

“Including people who tried to hurt you, Premiere.”

“But I was able to meet all of you. The bonds we formed opened up a world of possibilities for me. Additionally, our friendship helped me find the place where I belong. I wish for Tia to experience the same wonderful possibilities that come out of that kind of relationship. That is why I wish to see her so badly.”

Everyone agrees with Premiere with either vocal or gesturing support except for one person who stands like a statue looking into the abyss. She wants to reach out to him, see what his trouble is since he’s the reason she’s found where she belongs.

“Anyway,” Asuna continues, getting back on topic, “originally, Tia’s settings were null like Premiere’s.”

“Yes, and just like Premiere, she was influenced by the people she met. Her experiences with those people shaped her personality. Doesn’t seem much different from us humans, huh?”

“Or even us from the Underworld, so it seems.”

“You’re right, Sinon, Alice. AI or human, we all change a little bit every day, shaped by the people we meet and the things we do.”

Silica faces Premiere with a bright smile. “And Premiere is still growing because of all the new things she’s experiencing. Her future’s brighter than ever.”

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