Pick-Up Group's Deception

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Meanwhile, in Kyoto, Joshua…

The hospital room of my father has been my prison for so long that I’ve long acclimated to the heart monitor’s repetitive beeping. When I think about it, it isn't too weird that I feel comfortable here, despite being the visitor, not the patient. The last time I spent this long in a hospital was when I was trapped in Sword Art Online, then for some more days once I woke up to have tests and physical therapy done.

To think, for two years, I was just a few doors away from Asuna, ‘sleeping’ peacefully as Dad is now.

I wonder how she and the others are doing now as I enjoy watching anime on my computer. I want to take my Amusphere and dive into Origin, but I want to be here (mentally, that is) when my father arises. This is so Mom, along with Dad’s assistant, can continue working in his and my grandfather’s place. My grandfather, who is OK and out of the hospital, won’t have to be stressed by the work he has as the company president. Hopefully, this will tell that stubborn old man to step down and let Dad take the reins of all of RoboTelligence.

While I laugh to myself at the unlikeliness of that situation, I hear the room’s door open and the clicking of heels on the floor. Thinking it is my mother, I turn to greet her, but the words stay in my throat as it turns out to be Dad’s assistant. She struts inside, wearing a pink dress and matching heels. When she turns to me, I try not to smile as her blue eyes stare at me with a frustrated frown. Yet I fail to hold it in as I point to the thick-framed spectacles on her face. “When did you start wearing glasses?”

She scoffs and flicks her black side-ponytail off her left shoulder. “It’s for the blue light, okay? And I look cute, don’t I? Midoriko says I look like a professional secretary.”

“You do look cute. May I say downright enticing. I wonder how those old perverts haven’t jumped you yet.” Ignoring her intensified glare, I look down at the bag in her hand. “What’s that for?”

“Your mom told me to check up on you, and I am partially annoyed you haven’t come to see me since you’ve been here. After five years of being apart and a few months living together, you’d think you’d make a little time to come bother me at your company.” She turns on her literal heel and heads towards the bathroom. “So I’m spending the night here with you, idiot. Make room.”

I chuckle as I move my stuff beside me off the couch. “Love you too, Momiji.”


Koharu, Greyfort: Upper Level, Northazrod Tundra

"Whew… Is that all of them?"

"I think so… Man, they were tough!"

"At least the rewards look worth it." Koharu closes the loot window in front of her and takes a deep breath. The group successfully defended Tia (or aided her, depending on the point of view). Now with the battle at its end, the attention turns to Premiere's twin sister. She still holds her head caused by whatever ails the twins.

"Tia," Kirito says softly as he approaches her.

"Get out of my head!" Tia grunts and drops to her knees, and she's not the only one. Premiere, fine throughout the battle, collapses between Asuna and Lisbeth and holds her head as well.

"Premiere! Now they're both messed up! What do we do?"

"Why do you insist on interfering," Tia venomously spits at them while fighting her pain. "This is my problem to solve!"

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