The One Who Resists God, Part Two

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They thought it was over.

In the center of the room, amidst the cheering, the glowing flame statue shatters like glass, and the orange hue simmers down to an aqua blue and deep purple. The celebration ends, and Koharu, who thought the fight was over and they had beat the clock by a plentiful amount, gasps in shock. She should have known better than to let her guard down.

In the middle of the room is a miniature version of the singularity they saw outside, the core of the singularity. She stands, grip on her dagger tight as the core descends to the center of the floor. No one says a word or makes a move until Tia steps forward, approaching the core. "Where my destiny comes from… Ngh!"

"Ungh!" Premiere drops to her knees, clutching her head, while Tia manages to stand while doing the same. Of course, the singularity is fighting against them...and the clock is still ticking.

"Humans are not to be trusted," a voice, Tia's, comes from the swirling ball of data. "I just want to be alone… I can't find the answer… Can't go on like this…" From the singularity comes a figure in a dark cloak and a black mask under her hood. It's Tia, how she appeared to everyone before Koharu and her friends first caught up to her and had her join them in the tundra.

Tia confirms the identity. "That is my future."

"Not your future…your fate! Your destiny. You're worthless. No one needs you. You will always be alone. The sooner you accept that…"

"It's okay, Tia." Premiere, somehow, has shaken off the headache and stands on her feet to speak to her sister. "You know what human connection feels like now. We can find a new way forward for you."

"Premiere, I… You're right. I know what it's like to have a bright future. I'm not alone! I'm not locked in to one path!" Tia wards off her headache, confidently standing tall against the demon that plagues her. She turns to her allies assembled behind her, hand over her heart. "I need everyone's help to break me free of the prison my destiny has become!"

Premiere nods. "We are here for you!"

"Yeah," Koharu says, stepping forward to Tia, then looking at everyone behind her. "We've got your back, Tia!"

"Humans cannot be trusted. They'll cast me aside the first chance they get."

"But I believe in them. I believe in a brighter future!" Turning to Koharu, Tia looks at who she might consider her first friend and smiles. "Koharu, allow me to confront myself and end this once and for all."

Koharu answers by sheathing her dagger behind her back. "It is your future, after all. Seize it, Tia." Tia nods her head and holds her sword up confidently. Alone, she steps forward confronting her future self. For a solid minute, the two Tias stand in place, neither attacking the other, and just to calm her fears, Koharu glances at the system clock. Eleven-forty… Her hands becomes fists as the stagnant battle in front of her continues.

"Face your future, Tia… It's not just yours in jeopardy. Mine, Premiere's, all of our futures are all on the line."

At ten forty-one, the Tia of the dark future dashes forward, ending the stalemate. The real Tia holds her sword back, and once they are in each other's range, both Tias attack. They stand back to back several feet apart in the aftermath, and Koharu holds her breath as they await to see who struck a blow, if not the fatal one. Time freezes...and then the hooded Tia bursts into pixels.

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