Friends into lovers

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Part two of from strangers to friends in the From, To, story. This one is cute and full of soul-rotting fluff that will later come to bite you in the ass. As always Enjoy! 🧡🌺

It's been a few weeks, you and Camilo were hanging out together every day. Your sister was out in the town stealing the show as usual but you couldn't find it in you to care. You were here with Camilo laughing, playing, and joking around and that's all that mattered.

Today you and Camilo left to play in a flower field just past the small crop farm where his mother likes to go to relax. You had tied up his hair in a messy bun some bangs falling and framing his face.

You couldn't stop looking at him and he couldn't stop looking at you. You both danced around laughing, playing tag, and doing tricks to try and impress each other. Camilo won thanks to him doing a handstand and 'walking' on his hands, even though he just barely got a few 'steps' before he fell over landing on his back.

You both looked at each other before cracking up into historical laughter, he looked up at you with a mischievous grin "hey don't laugh at me!" He giggled as he rushed to his feet to chase you, you yelped and started running as he chased you.

You ran until you reached a clearing just outside of the village before he pounced falling onto you. Tickling your sides laughing at your struggles to push him off.




After a few more moments you could barely breathe and called for mercy, making Camilo stop but he didn't lift himself off of you, you stayed there looking down at you and you looked up at him. A smile on his face as you counted the freckles on his face without realizing you lifted your hand to trace shapes and connect them with your finger.

Camilo didn't mind, he liked the feeling as he leaned more into your touch. His hand soon reached up to hold yours and without thinking he moved to kiss your knuckles he smiled showing his slight tooth gap, you thought he was adorable.

Your other hand came up to play with his soft relish brown curls as you both lead into each other, closer and closer until you-

"Hijo!" You both pulled apart struggling for a moment to detangle yourself from each other.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Papi!" Camilo called out embarrassed at being caught in that position with you.

Félix smiled with a huff, "Ay Camilo it's ok Hijo! cuando tenía tu edad era así con tu madre, oye tal vez incluso peor.~" he teased

"PAPI! I DONT WANT TO KNOW THAT!" Camilo screeched his voice cracking as his face went red with embarrassment

"Look I came to tell you that it's time for dinner, if you want to invite your little 'friend' I can have another chair set next to you if you want." Félix continued to tease wiggling his eyebrows at Camilo and Camilo covered his face with his Ruana to cover the red now all down his face and neck.

"That would be lovely!" You said going along with Félix


"PERFECT! I'll let the others know!"


it was too late Félix was already walking away back to Casita.

"Well... Shall we... Go?" Camilo questioned sounding more like he was making himself more than you, he knew his father would tell his mother and his mother would tell Delores, and Delores would tell Mirabel, and Mirabel would tell.... Isabela and Isabela would NEVER let him live this down.

You took hold of his hand walking down with him to casita. This was going to be fun.

Back at Casita Félix did in fact tell Pepa, Pepa then had a very vibrant rainbow over her head, and she did tell Delores and Delores did tell Mirable and Mirable 100% told Isabela. This is why when you and Camilo walked into Casita she was standing right there with the biggest, smuggest, face anyone has ever seen and Luisa was trying her hardest to not burst into laughter.

While dinner was getting ready, Camilo rushed you up to his room before Isa had her chance to tease.

Upon entering his room you laughed at his flushed face walking over to his booking his freckled nose making him feel less tense he then wrapped his arms around you dragging you over to his bed to cuddle with you.

You laid there in each other's arms with a pleased smile as the faint sounds of the family fumbling around could be heard if you tried to focus on it, but right now you were too busy admiring Camilo Madrigal.

And somehow you can't remember you bother got closer and closer until your bodies were pressed together and your lips were pressed together in a soft kiss.

Lips moved together perfectly, and at that moment in each other's embrace, you both knew you were meant for each other.

Camilo Madrigal Where stories live. Discover now