Camilo X GHOST!reader

392 18 22

Warnings: nothing too crazy but there is a make-out session, ghosts(?) Might do more on this but im not sure yet depends on how you feel about it, !!angst!! (Light yandere? If you squint) and death!!
Camilo had no idea where you came from, he had no idea why you were here, he had no idea why he was the only one that could see you. But he didn't care, to be honest, he liked having you to talk to by himself without anyone trying to take you away.

He didn't have to worry about any of that, however, this came with its problems, for example, when he would talk to you his family only heard him and thought he might be having some issues or he could touch you but to everyone else, it looked like he was just touching air and looked strange and people were starting to worry about him.

He heard them all the time, "What's wrong with Camilo?"- "Why is Camilo acting that way?"-"is Camilo ok?" And at this point, Camilo was getting tired of it. He didn't want people to start poking him for answers to his behavior but he couldn't tell them anything what was he supposed to say? "I'm acting strange because I'm in love with a ghost but you can't see them?" He couldn't they would only worry more and might try to send him away to fix him.

So he did the one thing he could to try and get some suspicion off him for a little while, he started ignoring you.
You didn't like that
You had started to follow Camilo Everywhere and Camilo didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to handle it.

You followed him around the village-

"Hey, Milo!" You called out to him as he walked down the path to get trying to reach the little marketplace so he could have Pitahaya he had been crazing it for a few days now.

But he couldn't focus on where he was going with you floating around him calling his name and even getting in his face giving him Eskimo and butterfly kisses he was getting frustrated but tried not to snap at you especially out in public where it would look like he was yelling at nothing. "Camilo! Camilo! C'mon say somethin' let's play some pranks! Have some fun!" But he just brushed around you not even bothering to look at you and he made your un-beating heart feel like it was being ripped in half, why wasn't he talking to you? -

you followed him around Casita when he was cleaning his room or trying to help set the table-

Camilo slipped on his yellow Ruana shaking his head a little so his curls didn't stick together after pulling it over his head. Picking up a few things from the floor of his room before he was called down to help set up the table for dinner, you followed him the whole way. You hovered over his shoulder while he cleaned his room and how were hovering above him your hands lightly playing with his curls he normally would have smiled playfully to you to cut it out but he didn't his frown only pulled down farther and his eyes drooped down in an annoyed expression, now you were worried was it something you did? Maybe you said? You couldn't think of anything you had done to make him act this way and it made you sad thinking that he didn't want to talk with you.

At first, you thought he was losing the ability to interact with you which made you panic and would have made you hyperventilate if you could. But you could still touch him and he had looked at you a few times when he thought you weren't looking so you knew he could still interact with you so why was he doing this?

You continued to follow him, now hovering on his side fazing through everyone else in the room who walked into you they shivered as you went through them your cold temperature momentarily affecting them, Isabela walked past him going through you shivered and turned to Camilo "jeez you're cold, is that you?" Camilo turned to his Prima tilting his head in 'confusion' "what do you mean?" Isa just shrugged assuming it was just a chill and Camilo shot you a light glare why was he mad at me?

Camilo Madrigal Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon